Bootcamp 21771
Whether you are a novice when it comes to exercise or you’ve been exercising for years, this Boot Camp is for you! Bootcamp classes are Monday through Friday, 5:30 am – 6:30 am.
Whether you are a novice when it comes to exercise or you’ve been exercising for years, this Bootcamp is for you. Five days a week we will challenge you through a combination of cardio, core, flexibility and resistance training. If you are an adult looking to tone up, lose weight, improve endurance or just become more active, we want you. We offer modifications based on individual fitness levels.
Areas of focus:
Monday and Friday: lower body strength, cardio, core, abs, flexibility and balance
Wednesdays: cardio
Tuesday and Thursday: upper body strength, cardio, core, abs, flexibility and balance
Meet at the rear entrance of the church. Bring a water bottle. Questions, please contact Mary Beth Ruch at or Gina Campanile
Classes are $59/month until April 15, 2017; $69 after April 15, 2017.
Tell your friends
facebook.comWhat an upper body workout! Makes you wonder what Cardio Day tomorrow is going to look like!
Band workout!
Celtic Canter
The Celtic Canter 5k this Saturday is in downtown Westminster and is so much fun! Lots of your friends are already signed up (Mary Beth Obremski, Marc Mignogna, Betsy Ruch, Max Wendler) so come out and join in the festivities. There's even a trolly that takes you from Pub to Pub!
The Pushup Workout From Hell
We're doing this! But first, it's Gina's week to plan our workouts. Wonder what she has in mind for our lower body workout tomorrow? Any guesses?
Bonnie Pfiester
Thought for the weekend...
I know there are some people that have no interest in working out at 5:30 am, but look at this crew! What an amazing group of people! Sorry, somehow I missed videotaping the inverted pushups on the stage :(
If you've joined our Summer Body Challenge, I've invited you to the private Facebook Group, and uploaded the "before" pictures! Check out the page and start posting your goals!
Arm Day - Partner workout
Partner Ladder Workout: 6 rounds Partner A: Bicep curl, O/H press, O/H tricep ext: Round 1 1-2-3 Reps Round 2 2-3-4 " Round 3 3-4-5 " Round 4 4-5-6 " Round 5 5-6-7 " Round 6 6-7-8 " Partner B: Weighted ball toss until Partner A completes each round, then switch exercises
Cross body mountain climbers using glides:)
5 burpees + 1 lap, repeat for 5 minutes
Summer Body Challenge 2017
Who's committed to having their best body? Let's do it together!
Bootcamp 21771's cover photo
I can hear Mike saying, "Theresa, do you have a question"?