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It's time for every person that is tired of the feeling of depression in this country, to get on board and let your voice he heard. I know that everyone is not feeling the pinch, however there are a lot of people that are. For a lot of families it feels like a recession boarder line depression, it is a lot of American's that are hurting. And we are not hearing the news media say much about that. This needs to be mention. Because it is a real, reality. I am hearing things like the unemployment rate is declining, I don't see the evident of that, I know we are far better off than what we were when the President took office in 2008, and the reason things are stagnant is because the republicans don't give a hoot about you. The don't even want to bring a bill to the floor and let it be voted on. They don't care if people are being killed by the thousands. They just don't give a dame!! Those clowns have got to be voted out. Are we going to just sit back and let them ruin this country? They are for the rich and powerful and and with there action's the rest of us can just go to Hell, as far as they are concern. Middle class people and the down and out, have got to understand one thing . If you want to make a difference and have some hope. You have got to understand that you have to get out and vote all the time, not just when it is a presidential election, no you have got to be active vote in every election. Now we have got to get up off of our you know what's and put Hillary in the white house. We have to do it people. This is one we can't sleep on have got to get with it!!. you see what's going on and the Supreme court just block the Presidents executive order to allow eleven million Hispanic's remain in this country. your heart just has to go out to all of them. This election you have got to treat it as if your very life depends on it, And guess what IT DOSE!!!!