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WVU BCM 2017-2018

222 High St, Morgantown, United States
Religious Organization



This is the official information page for WVU's Baptist Campus Ministry during the 2017-2018 academic school year. This will have all of the events planned and scheduled for the school year listed here so check in from time to time. Baptist Campus Ministry is a student led Christian organization on West Virginia University's downtown campus.

Where? - the CUE, 222 High St. Close to Dollar General.

When? -  every Tuesday at 8:07 pm.

Why? - our mission statement is "Changing Lives that Change the World". Our goal is to provide opportunities for religious growth and experience in Christian leadership by developing an atmosphere in which students can express themselves on issues necessary for spiritual and emotional development.

Tim Gray had been the director of BCM for the past 12 years, however Kevin Sions has stepped in to take over Gray's role. Kevin has done a wonderful job during his first year of the ministry and is looking forward to the next years to come. The CUE lives beneath the Dollar General on High St and was used as a bar/pool house for quite some time but has since been transformed into a Christian ministry center. The CUE is also home to Garcia's Grill, a local Latin restaurant. Kevin is assisted by the president and Vice Presidents, Andrew Suggs, Daniel Miller, and Cassidy Walker respectively. We are dedicated to helping Kevin deliver the message of the Gospel to our students and campus.

If you are a current student or a rising Freshman and you are interested in strengthening your faith or learning more about Jesus Christ, please send a message to this page.


BCM tonight-Oct 24 @ 8:07 @ CUE. Worship, Prayer, Bible Study & Fellowship. Also we have info about Mission Trip over Spring Break—March 10-17.

WVU BCM at 8:07 PM tonight—October 17 at the CUE—222 High Street. Worship, prayer, Bible study, & fellowship.

Due to weather forecast (expected rain) for Sunday October 15, we are postponing Coopers Rock picnic. Later date/time TBD. Please let us know if you have questions. Thanks

Tailgate on Saturday after WVU football game at 865 Willdowdale Road--Andrew Suggs place. Plenty of food and fellowship. Everyone welcome. Meeting before WVU football game @ 10:30AM @ IHOP behind Oakland dorm. Contact Cassidy Walker for more info. Chance to meet/sit together.

BCM at 8:07 PM tonight--Tuesday, October 10 at the CUE---222 High Street. Prayer, Worship, Fellowship and Bible study.

Passion Conference 2018...Jan 1-3 in Washington DC. BCM is planning trip. Registration increases after Oct 6. We will have a van for transportation and lodging cost will be $75. For questions, please let us know. Thanks.

WVU BCM...tonight (October 3rd) @ 8:07PM at the CUE...Worship, Prayer, Fellowship, Bible Study. Remember Fall Retreat @ Cowen Registrations!

BCM starts at 8:07 PM today--Sept 26 @ the CUE---222 High St. Worship, prayer, Bible Study and fellowship.

Family Friday at 7PM--Sept 22 @ Sions Home---354 Overdale Street Morgantown. Food and fellowship. Street parking where lines are blue.

Hope to see you there!! 😊

BCM at 8:07PM tonight--Tuesday Sept 19 at the CUE--222 High Street. Worship, Bible Study, Fellowship.


NEAR WVU BCM 2017-2018