Friends of Rockhaven
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Happy 132nd Birthday, Mary William Ethelbert Appleton "Billie" Burke
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We're back! Come say hi! And see our new stuff.
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Bringing it back to black. #ThisPlaceMatters
In Los Angeles, which is really justly known as a city that destroys the past, that obliterates its own memory and its own physical environment, here was somebody who stood up for preserving memory, for preserving the physical environment, the cultural landscape and that sense of identity rooted in one place, instead of the sort of abstract push into utopia. ~ Jonathan Spaulding on Charles Lummis
Photos from Friends of Rockhaven's post
PRINT YOUR OWN POSTCARDS! If you want to use our words and have the addressing tken care of for you just print these on card stock, put your name, address and signature and it's post-card rate! Thank you for your support
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This is what the Gangi LED Design proposal sees for Rockhaven. What would you like to see? Please tell the City of Glendale!
Cleaning Day
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Tonight! 8 pm. Hand Cranked Silent Movies at Two Strike Park! Bring a baked good to donate! Buy a baked good to donate!
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Someone lost a button in the laundry
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The new signs are here! And we deliver!
A message from the city of Glendale: "In response to the number of inquiries, the City of Glendale is extending the submission deadline by two weeks to 5 pm on Thursday, August 11, 2016."