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Immaculate Conception School

115 N B St, Monmouth, United States
Elementary School



Welcome to Immaculate Conception School's Facebook page! Check back often for news from the school! Immaculate Conception School is located in Monmouth, Illinois and is the parish school of Immaculate Conception Parish. We are a Catholic School that serves students from Pre-K (4 yr olds) through Eighth Grade.


Is your student signed up for Totus Tuus yet? Registration forms are available in the Parish office for our July 2nd-7th session. Follow the link to learn more about Totus Tuus 2017!

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church

Don't forget the Annual Tri-Parish Picnic is this Sunday!

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church

Reminder to ICS parents: Report cards are available at the school office Today, Wed, Thurs. from 8-3 and Fri. 8-12 this week. All accounts must be paid in full to receive your child's card. Beginning Monday, June 5th you may pick them up at the Parish office from 9-4 Monday-Friday.

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A friendly reminder to the ICS Choir. Please remember that the bus will be leaving tomorrow, Saturday, May 27 at 7:30 a.m. from ICS parking lot. Please remember to wear choir clothing. Lunch is provided and the choir will return to the ICS parking lot around 3p.m. Thank you

We are hiring! ICS is looking for a part-time Band Teacher for the 2017-18 school year.

The Catholic Post

The Catholic Post

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Thank you to all of our ICS Families for choosing and supporting our school! It has been a great year and we couldn't do it without you. Have a wonderful summer!

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Photos from Immaculate Conception School's post

ICS raised $300 in mission money this year! Student Council donated it to St. Judes Children's Hospital in honor of Riley Thomas.

Photos from Immaculate Conception School's post

2017 Kindergarten Graduation

2017 Kindergarten Graduation

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Sign up to reserve a seat on the free bus ride to Deacon Lee Brokaw's Priesthood Ordination Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria on May 27th at 10:30am. Busses will leave our parking lot and deliver you to the Cathedral. Deacon Lee is from our sister parish of St. Patrick's Raritan. Come show your support as he becomes Father Lee Brokaw! Please call the parish office at (309) 734-7533 if you have any questions and to sign up.

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