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1st Street Armoury

215 S 1st St, Monmouth, United States
Community Organization



Our main goal is to encourage and empower the people of our community to forge positive paths in order to enhance society.   1st Street Armoury provides services for adults and children.  At Starting Point Homeless Recovery Shelters we provide housing to both single mothers/children and single men to help them on their road to recovery and independence.  For children, we have Operation Backpack which provides food on weekends  during school year for students in MR238 School District with most need; Energy League, an after school program for children in the Lincoln Homes neighborhood; and Break the Cycle, an earn a bike program for any child who volunteers in the community and meets expected goals of program.  


Timeline Photos

Welcome to Dalton Willett and Zach Williams, our new Summer Americorp Vista Associates. Zach and Dalton will be working at our Homestead Harvest Garden- helping to provide food for our homeless shelters.

Timeline Photos

Photos from 1st Street Armoury's post

The 1st Street Armoury After School Program, the Energy League, enjoying the beautiful weather today.

Photos from 1st Street Armoury's post

Quarter Auction

Just 1/2 hour left till we start auctioning off items. Get here to make here so you're sure not miss out on something good!

Quarter Auction

Quarter Auction starts at 6pm. Come on out for the fun!

Quarter Auction starts at 6pm. Come on out for the fun!

Photos from 1st Street Armoury's post

That's a lot of Mac & Cheese! This haul will take us to the end of Operation Back Pack for this school year. Thank you Save a Lot for always getting us what we need. Come support this program Friday night at 5pm at our quarter auction fundraiser.

Photos from 1st Street Armoury's post

First Street Armory Build a Bike - Break the Cycle

A short clip of our Break the Cycle youth mentoring program you can help support.

Photos from 1st Street Armoury's post

We had such a fun filled night this past Saturday at our Operation Backpack Celebrity Waiter fundraiser. A huge thank you to everyone who came out to support the cause and an even bigger thanks to all the volunteers, dessert and special contributors, entertainers- you guys were awesome, and of course the celebrity waiters, the Monmouth College Football team-you all were beyond amazing; we feel truly blessed to live in such a great community where compassion (and a sense of humor) abounds.

Photos from 1st Street Armoury's post


Want to help fund Operation Backpack, but can't attend our Saturday night event? It's simple...just click here and indicate it's for Operation Backpack. Thanks in advance!

Timeline Photos

Guess who our celebrity waiters are this year?? Yep it's Monmouth College football players!! Don't have a ticket yet? Contact Jack or Amy

Timeline Photos

We can't believe it's been over 3 weeks since we drew a winner for our House Give-Away Raffle. We would like to take a moment to thank everyone for participating in this fundraiser from purchasing a ticket, to selling tickets to helping us promote the raffle. The money raised from this fundraiser is being used to help keep our 4 key programs operational- Starting Point Shelters, Operation Backpack, Energy League After School, and Break the Cycle Youth Mentoring. If you haven't heard the winner of the Raffle opted to receive the cash prize instead of the house. So, we are now accepting sealed bids for purchase of the home at 412 W. 2nd Ave, Monmouth. Bids can be mailed to 1st Street Armoury, 215 South 1st St, Monmouth Attn Amy. Bids must be accompanied with proof of pre-approval. Bids must be in no later than 4:00 pm on Wednesday, March 15th. The winning bid is responsible for all closing costs. Thanks again to everyone who donated either in funds, time or talent to help us put forth a worthy fundraiser!!

Quarter Auction

Come out for an evening of fun to help community programs and try your luck at winning fabulous items. Come see what's new by shopping and supporting local small businesses owners. A Quarter Auction combines the thrill of an auction with the luck of a raffle when you buy a numbered paddle & bid 1 to 4 quarters to enter in an attempt to win items/baskets worth $10 to $75+.(High valued items may require more quarters) Doors open at 5pm for viewing auction items, purchasing paddles, and shopping participating vendors. Auction begins at 6p.m. and ends when all items have been auctioned off-- Paddle sales begin at 5pm.-- cost: $3 each or 2 for $5. Proceeds from tonight's quarter auction go the the 1st Street Armoury to benefit its programs; Starting Point, Energy League, Break The Cycle Bike Shop, and Operation Backpack. Concessions will be available for purchase!

Quarter Auction

1st Street Armoury

So grateful for those who are putting in a lot of hours in this. It's going to be an amazing night. Let us know if you want to come


NEAR 1st Street Armoury