Family Life Fellowship
Family Life Fellowship is a body of believers that strive to not simply attend church but to be the church!
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FLF is a body of believers that strive to not simply attend church but to be the church!
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Matthew 7:20 "You will know them by their fruit..." What are you storing on the inside? #CharacterStandard
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This evening you have the opportunity to participate in the first part of our monthly Growth Track, Church 101! Church 101 is the basic introduction to the ministry of Family Life Fellowship and Pastor Vic Comstock will help you understand church membership. The track will be held at our main campus at 6:00PM.
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As often as we remember Jesus, we should celebrate Jesus. Tomorrow we will be celebrating Jesus by taking Communion at our three services!
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True success is not a world where I am at the center, true success is where God is at the center of my life. My life is in proper order when God is first place in my life. #FirstThingsFirst
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When I step aside, once I let God step into His rightful place, then the weight of my life falls onto His shoulders... not my own. #FirstThingsFirst
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Every time we gather around bread and juice, in church or in our homes, we remember Jesus is the one who provides ALL we need. Communion Sunday will be taking place at our three service times THIS Sunday: 9:30, 11:00AM and 6:00PM.
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When I am not the center of my world, then happiness and blessings can be experienced in a way that I cannot describe except as GOD’S WAY. #FirstThingsFirst
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The things that start off as blessings... our jobs, our money, our relationships become constructive bonds when we put our trust in those things instead of God. #FirstThingsFirst
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The God first life always comes down to a decision. It is YOUR choice... #FirstThingsFirst
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When you choose to live the God first life you are making the choice to restore order. When order is restored, then blessing is released in your life. #FirstThingsFirst
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Memorial Day is remembering those who put our country first, but also as a Christian it is our time to remember we need to put first things first back in our lives. #FirstThingsFirst
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Happy Memorial Day! #FirstThingsFirst