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IDEA Mission

1600 S SCHUERBACH RD, Mission, United States
Public School



Welcome to IDEA Mission. Proudly serving the parents, families and students of Mission, Texas.  IDEA Public Schools believes that each and every child can go to college. Since 2001, IDEA Public Schools has grown from a small school with 150 students to the fastest-growing network of tuition-free, Pre-K-12 public charter schools in the United States. Currently, the network serves nearly 36,000 college-bound students in 61 schools across three Texas regions. Additionally, IDEA boasts national rankings on The Washington Post and U.S. News & World Report’s top high schools lists and is on-track to maintain its legacy of sending 100% of its graduates to college.


Our Mission Academy basketball team won their game against Pharr today 10-8! Way to mighty Phoenix and thank you Coach Garcia & Mr. Fuentes for all you do for our students!

Our STAAR Camp for 4th Grade is off to a fantastic start! Thank you to our students, teachers and staff for making this possible! A big thank you to our parents for your support! #riseup #IDEAMission #PhoenixPride #wegotthis

Parent Weekly for 3.23.18 semanal de padres para 23 de marzo

Victory Parade 3.23.18 Our fantastic Phoenix scholars made the Spring breeze so much sweeter as they walked through the school this morning. Please enjoy these videos and pictures and look out for our Parent Weekly to learn more about them! Nuestros fantásticos estudiantes hicieron que la brisa de primavera fuera mucho más dulce cuando caminaron por la escuela esta mañana. Por favor, disfrute de estos videos e imágenes y busque nuestro seminal de padres para aprender más sobre ellos.

Attention IDEA Mission parents, you should have received a family survey in the mail before Spring Break. Please send this completed survey to school with your son or daughter so they can turn it into their homeroom teacher. All family surveys are due TOMORROW. Thank you. Hola padres de IDEA Mission, deberían haber recibido una encuesta familiar por el correo antes de las vacaciones de primavera. Por favor de enviar esta encuesta completa a la escuela con su hijo o hija. Todas las encuestas familiares se deben de entregar antes del jueves el dia, 22 de marzo. Gracias.

Attention College Prep parents, the 2017-2018 College Prep yearbook is still ON SALE! Don't miss out on owning your very own copy filled with images and memories of your scholar's school year! Click here to reserve your copy: ¡Atención padres, el anuario todavía está EN VENTA! ¡No se pierda la oportunidad de tener su propia copia llena de imágenes y recuerdos del año escolar de su escolar! Haga clic aquí para reservar su copia:

Reminder to all our College Prep students and staff that tomorrow is the day for you to ROCK YOUR SOCKS for World Down Syndrome Awareness! Students show your support by wearing your most colorful, fun, and even mismatched socks with your uniform tomorrow and show your support.

Parent Weekly for 3.19.18

1st Annual Senior Tailgate Celebration! #newtradition #riseup

4th Grade Writing Extravaganza #IDEAMission #writingextravaganza18 #bringontheSTAAR #riseup #norest

Our Victory Parade was held in the gym yesterday and we had a blast celebrating our phenomenal scholars! Nuestro Desfile de la Victoria se llevó a cabo en el gimnasio ayer y nos lo pasamos de maravilla celebrando a nuestros fenomenales estudiantes!

Hello Phoenix Family, please enjoy this edition of Parent Weekly. Hola familia Phoenix, porfavor disfruten de esta edicion del semanal de padres.
