Brailsford Mediation
Brailsford Mediation offers conflict management services for families, neighbors, and businesses. Mediation is a conflict resolution process where a trained and neutral third party, the “mediator,” helps people resolve their differences by facilitating constructive communication. The central idea of mediation is that when given the right tools, people are better at solving their own problems than the legal system. A mediator is not a judge or decision maker; it is those in conflict who are ultimately in control of the process and, with the mediator’s help, craft the solutions to the problems they face. A common misconception is that people must have a good working relationship to mediate. This is not true; mediation can work in almost every situation where people have a conflict. I volunteer as a mediator in Hennepin County Harassment Court and have seen mediation work in the most volatile situations. All mediation requires is the desire to find a solution and the willingness to give it a try.
Benefits of Mediation:
• Far less expensive and faster than the court system
• Provides better solutions that have higher compliance rates than court-ordered outcomes
• Allows parties to retain control over their own affairs
• Voluntary, flexible, and confidential
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