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United Missionary Baptist Church

719 18th Ave, Middletown, United States
Religious Center



Since 1963, United Missionary Baptist Church is yet working towards Reclaiming Lives, Restoring Hope, and Rejuvenating Souls for the sake of Jesus Christ. UMBC HISTORY (1963-2011)

The establishment of the United Missionary Baptist Church is a unique slice of African -American history. The church was conceived at an organizational meeting on February 24, 1963. The participating architects were the late  Rev.James Holloman, The late Rev. Frank Rawls, The late Deacon Percy Jefferson, and the late Deacon Coleman Roberts.  For the sake of unity and spiritual enrichment, it was proposed that what were then two separate churches, Friendship Baptist and Union Baptist, be merged into a single cohesive congregation. A short time later, the wisdom and the spirit of this endeavor touched New Hope Baptist Church, then under the leadership of the late  Rev.B.D. Lambert. The late Deacon Coleman Roberts was commissioned to draft a comprehensive merger procedure. The North Carolina A&T graduate submitted a twelve-point plan which was unanimously accepted by the consolidated congregations on August 9, 1963. The United Missionary Baptist Church was born.

The late Rev. James Holloman, Founder/ Former Pastor

With the consummation of the merger, the late Rev. James Holloman was extended and accepted the call to serve as pastor of this newly-formed church. Other officers who were instrumental in the merger were the late Deacons William Gregory, Gary Williams, Dallas Jackson, William Graves, Mack Langster, Charlie Cunningham, David Green, John Dickerson, John Peebles, James Simpson, Rev. Henry Teasley, and the late Rev. B.D. Lambert.

Under the inspired leadership of the late Rev. Holloman, the congregation soon outgrew the edifice which had been the Union Baptist Church. Edison School was rented for Sunday Worship Services, and construction began on a new church building on the corner of Eighteenth Avenue and Minnesota Street, the site of the former New Hope Baptist Church.  On September 5, 1965 the congregation occupied its new spiritual home.

During the ensuing years, a number of dreams were realized. A parsonage was purchased, an air-conditioning system was installed in the church, and the multi-million dollar United Housing Development was born. Better known as People's Place, the United Housing Development, with its 119 apartment units, struck a major blow for open housing in Middletown.

An ardent apostle for social change, the late Rev. Holloman was a harbinger of hope for the disadvantaged of our city. He fostered educational and occupational equality for African-Americans in Middletown.  Simultaneously, the late Rev. Holloman ministered to the United Family and furthered his education at Wilberforce University and Payne Theological Seminary. On January 21, 1975, he stepped beyond Eternity's vale.

Rev. Henry Teasley served at interim pastor, and continued to instill the sprit of unity, until May 1976, when the late Rev. Leonard Charles Bennett was called to the pastorate of United. Accomplishments during the tenure of Rev. Bennett included the institution of the James Holloman Memorial Scholarship Fund, revitalization of the Christian Education Department, and burning of the church mortgage. In the spring of 1982, the now late Dr. L.C. Bennett was called to pastor Gethsemane Baptist Church, Washington D. C.  This dynamic minister passed away on April 1, 2008.


The Voices of Victory, under the direction of Minister of Music Bro. Archie Byers, celebrates Choir Day 2017; during our morning worship services.

The Voices of Victory invites you to join us to celebrate Chior Day 2017. Special Guests: Elder Arlester Washington and the Anointed Central Kentucky Mass Choir. Brother Archie Byers, Minister of Music Rev. Gregory Tyus, Senior Pastor

Title: An Ordained Coincidence Subtitle: He’s Got A Plan Scripture: Acts 9:32-34

2nd Annual Trunk & Treat Festival, will be on Tuesday, October 31, 2017 from 5:30pm ~ 7:30pm All are welcome for Food, Fun, Fellowship & Frolicking (dancing)!

Title: How Much For The Sinner In The Window Subtitle:I’ll Die For That One Text: Romans 5:8

Title: Bring Your Dross To The Cross Subtitle: Gotta Be 100 Text: Proverbs 25:4

Title: Lord, I Thank You For My Passport Subtitle: You Ain’t From ’Round Here, Are You? Philippians 3:20-21 NIV

Committed To Getting In His Presence I’ve Got to Get There Mark 2: 2-5 Devotion, Determination, Deliverance

Friday 3/10/17 - 7:00PM - 9:00PM Ladies Night Out - Thank You! Spotlighting Lady Linda Tyus Sunday 3/12/17 9:30 AM - Sunday School 10:45 AM - Rev. Claude Rebold, Pastor Emertius - Convenant Church, Middletown 4:00 PM - Pastor LaVelton Daniel & The Greater Emanuel Apostolic Temple, Cincinncati, OH
