Sweet Rock Samoyeds
We are members of the Samoyed Club of America. Our breeding goal is to produce better dogs. We breed to the AKC Samoyed Standard.
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facebook.comSpicy got winners bitch on Sunday for 2 points. Not a bad group of shows for Sweet Rock Samoyeds. Chili 5 grand champion points, Flash 2 champion points and Spicy 3 champion points.
Today the judge scared my puppies and Chili wasn't entered. That's the way it goes at dog shows, the agony and the ecstasy.
Today, 12/09/16, at the dog show Flash got winners dog, Spicy got winners bitch and Chili got best of breed. Have my fingers crossed for the rest of the weekend.
Sweet Rock Samoyeds
Today at the dog show Flash got his first point!
Timeline Photos
Stelle's got a Niki hat. 100% felted samoyed fur.
Timeline Photos
Chili Wins Working Group 3 at the Mid-Coast Kennel Club of Maine on September 3, 2016!
Sweet Rock Samoyeds's cover photo
Sweet Rock Samoyeds
Dogs Naturally Magazine
New Homes for the Puppies
GCHB SweetRock When You're Hot You're Hot
Thank you Judge Pat Hastings and Handler Susan Burrell for Loving My Girl.