Team Daniella's Foundation
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated in assisting children and their families affected by childhood cancer. About Team Daniella’s Foundation
On May 30th 2014 Jose and Dania Collazo’s life was turned upside down when there 22 Month old daughter Daniella Marie Collazo was diagnosed with stage III neuroblastoma. The feeling they felt during these first few days of the unknown and not knowing what direction there life would be taking them with there daughters health was one of desperation. This feeling is one they will never forget, nothing else at that point mattered. Daniella’s health was second to none, once Daniella was diagnosed doctors reacted quickly with a plan of attack to begin a battle against this monster. First doctors began to treat the opsoclonus myoclonus immediately after diagnosis with immune globulin also known as IVIG. This first hospital stay was over two weeks long. Once a plan of action was put together by Daniella’s oncologist and surgeon the Collazo family returned back to the hospital for surgery and to begin chemotherapy. This whole process kept the Collazo family in the Hospital for 2 months. During these tough times work to support their household was not even an option, taking care of their child was now complete priority along with also caring for Daniella’s older brother Daniel. Unfortunately the reality of life set in quickly when the bills and obligations of finances did not stop. In due time Dania Collazo began to realize that there was no other option and urged Jose Collazo to return back to work, it was important that Daniella would have to return back to her home to recover from all the treatments. During this time the amount of support the Collazo family received was amazing the out pour from people all around was what inspired Dania Collazo to dream of one day having a foundation of her own to give back and help children and families during their battle with childhood cancer.
In July of 2015 that dream became true when Jose and Dania Collazo thanks to the help of Charo Bolanos, Esq were able to launch Team Daniella’s Foundation. Still in her own battle Dania Collazo has decided that she inspired by her daughter would continue to fight her own battle and help others during their own battle as well. This along with caring for her own daughter will be her life’s work. The Team Daniella’s Foundation will provide assistance to families of children suffering of cancer they will also help children smile whether it is a special gift or request from one of these children who deserve everything. Raising awareness of childhood cancer will also be a priority the world needs to be alerted of childhood cancer and the suffering these children go through on a day to day. Promising research will also be funded, Government funding for childhood cancer is not a priority and 4% funding is not enough. It is up to us to create funds to help save the lives of these children.
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How gorgeous is Aileen @teamaileen she's also a hero and a cancer warrior! Aileen is being treated at Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. Aileen was diagnosed when she was 2 months old and is battling bilateral retinoblastoma. She's had IV chemo and chemo Intraocular and a serious number of laser treatment and continues to have recurrence. On May 4th she will have her next procedure and her eye doctor thinks it will be possible more iv chemo or removing to more advance eye care. Retinoblastoma is a rare form of cancer that rapidly develops from the immature cells of a retina the light-detecting tissue of the eye. It is the most common malignant cancer of the eye in children, and it is almost exclusively found in young children. We ask that you keep her in your thoughts and prayers and follow her journey. Facebook Team Aileen Instagram @teamaileen #TeamAileen #PrayersForAileen #Faith #Hope #NoOneFightsAlone #KeepTheHopeAlive #ChildhoodCancerAwareness #Prayers #NonProfitOrganization #ShesABraveLittleGirl #TeamDaniellasFoundation 💜
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Isn't Brayden @prayers_for_braylen the cutest ever! Brayden was diagnosed with hypodiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia on 10/16/16 and at 2 years old he was diagnosed with autism. One April 5, 2017 he celebrated on being cancer free! This morning Braylen is headed for a bone marrow aspiration and we ask for your thoughts and prayers. #PrayersForBraylen #TeamDaniella #Prayers #KeepTheHopeAlive #GoGold #NoOneFightsAlone #SendingOurLove #Autism #AutismAwareness #ChildhoodCancerAwareness #TeamDaniellasFoundation
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#TBT to last years Willy Wonka Team Daniella's Family Ball. We are so thankful and blessed to have so many vendors join our cause and donated of there time. There services and talent are very important for us to have for our children who are in treatment. Here is our friend @makeupbydl who made each and every child that night feel like a kid again and forget all there pain and suffering. #neuroblastoma #givehope #makeadifference #nonprofitorganization #hope #bethechange #cancer #childhoodcancer #faith #love #makeupartist #makeup #miami #familyfirst #noonefightsalone #family #TeamDaniellasFoundation
Holtz Children's Hospital
We are so thankful to so many that teamed up with Team Daniella's Foundation to bring smiles and joy to the children at Holtz Children's Hospital. Thank you to all who were a part of making this happen! #TeamDaniellasFoundation #NoOneFightsAlone #MakingADifference #ChildhoodCancerAwareness
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Helping others in need is not only a responsibility of life, it is what gives meaning to life. #teamdaniella #gogold #hope #keepthehopealive #faith #noonefightsalone #thankful #givingbacktothecommunity #nonprofitorganization #bethechange #childhoodcancerawareness #easter2017 #makeadifference #givehope #TeamDaniellasFoundation
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We are excited and thrilled to introduce a new line of candles from Farmhouse Soy Candles were 50% of all proceeds will be benefiting Team Daniella's Foundation to continue giving families a helping hand in their fight against childhood cancer ( 📷: @fluttershotssmiles ) #teamdaniella #support #childhoodcancerawareness #noonefightsalone #candlesforacause #soycandles #handpoured #farmhouse #farmhousestyle #farmhousecandles #candles #fixerupper #fixerupperstyle #homedecoration #homedecor #springhomedecor #summerdays #farmhouseinspired
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May you and your families have a beautiful and blessed Easter Day 🐰 #HappyEaster #Blessing #TeamDaniella #BigBrotherDaniel #Love #NewBeginnings #Family #ChildhoodCancerAwareness #GodBlessYou #GodBlessUsAll #ChildhoodCancerAwareness #TeamDaniellasFoundation 🎗
Photos from Team Daniella's Foundation's post
What a blessing it was yesterday to bring so much joy and happiness to children going through so very much. This would have not been possible without the help of so many that donated and our wonderful volunteers. We hope to continue doing good in the lives of so many children going through a life-threatening disease and we hope you will continue to team up with us to make a difference. ( 📷: @fluttershotssmiles ) #TeamDaniella #BigBrotherDaniel #ThankYou #EasterAtHoltz #Blessed #KeepTheHopeAlive #GoGold #Love #ChildhoodCancerAwareness #EasterCelebration #Thankful #ThankYouToOurVolunters #BringIngJoy #MakeADifference #Blessed #Easter2017 #TeamDaniellasFoundation 🎗
Photos from Team Daniella's Foundation's post
What a blessing it was yesterday to bring so much joy and happiness to children going through so very much. This would have not been possible without the help of so many that donated and our wonderful volunteers. We hope to continue doing good in the lives of so many children going through a life-threatening disease and we hope you will continue to team up with us to make a difference. ( 📷: @fluttershotssmiles ) #TeamDaniella #BigBrotherDaniel #ThankYou #EasterAtHoltz #Blessed #KeepTheHopeAlive #GoGold #Love #ChildhoodCancerAwareness #EasterCelebration #Thankful #Blessing #ThankYouToOurVolunters #BringIngJoy #MakeADifference #Blessed #Easter2017 #TeamDaniellasFoundation 💜🎗
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Do you see that big smile in his face!!! This is what it's all about for Team Daniella's Foundation, board members, family, donors and volunteers. This is were your donations go to, these amazing and inspiring heroes. Thank you to everyone that donated to make this event possible. #NoOneFightsAlone #KeepTheHopeAlive #ChildhoodCancer #ChildhoodCancerAwareness #GoGold #TeamDaniellasFoundation 💜🎗
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Happy Siblings Day to my two incredible children Daniel and Daniel and my brother Douglas. #SiblingsDay #MyLoves #Family #TeamDaniella #BigBrotherDaniel #TeamDaniellasFoundation 💜
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We are still in need of crayons, play dough, bubbles, coloring books, puzzles, nail polish, socks, hand sanitizer and much more for the children's Easter baskets. The final day for all donations will be Monday April 10th as we need to get ready for our Easter celebration at Holtz Children's Hospital. Please help us by sharing and asking family/friends to join in giving back to our heroes! Thank you all for the love and support and god bless you! #TeamDaniella #NoOneFightsAlone #EasterAtHoltz #TeamDaniellasFoundation