St. Luke's, Metuchen
St. Luke's Episcopal Church is the pretty little church at Rt. 27 & Oak Ave in Metuchen, NJ. Our web address is
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Reflection for May 6, 2017
Reflection for May 5, 2017
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St. Luke’s eNewsflash for 5/04/17 Men’s Luncheon is tomorrow, Friday, May 5th at Houlihan’s on Rt. 1 in Edison. ************************************************************************************************************************ ********************************** Second Looks at Favorite Books will meet tomorrow, Friday, May 5 at 7pm in the Fryer Room to discuss Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park. ************************************************************************************************************************ ********************************** This Sunday, May 7 at 7pm join the all-star professional choir The Thirteen, at St. Luke’s for In this exploration of the French sound-world through the music of composers from the 15th Century through today. Experience love songs nationalism, impressionism, and ardent devotion as only the French can! This concert wil include works by Josquin, Lassus, Durufle, Poulenc, Messiaen, and 21st century American composer, Daniel Elder. Tickets are $30.00 Bring your family and friends! ************************************************************************************************************************ ********************************** VBS Meeting this Sunday, May 7th at 12 noon in the Fryer Room. A VBS Meeting was held at Centenary Methodist Church last Sunday, April 30 and was attended by the Rector and 2 members. Many people are needed in many different capacitites to make this a great learning experience for our children. Some would require just an hour or two of your time one evening during that week. Come and see how you could help. ************************************************************************************************************************ ********************************** Saying good-bye to our Seminarian - Kije Rwamasirabo has been our Seminarian since January, serving as Eucharistic Minister weekly at the 8am service and occasionally at the 10 am service. Kije’s last day with us will be May 14th. Kije will preach at the 8am and 10 am service on that day. A reception will be held during coffee hour to thank her for her service and to wish her well. ************************************************************************************************************************ ********************************** The Ladies Luncheon will be on Friday, May 19, 2017 at 11:30 am at Panera’s. ************************************************************************************************************************ ********************************** Join friends old and new for a Diocesan Choir Camp Reunion Evensong and Installation of Canons Join friends old and new for a Diocesan Choir Camp Reunion Evensong and Installation of Canons Honorary Canons of Trinity Cathedral The Rev. Arthur P. Powell The Rev. E. Walton Zelley, Jr. Canons of the Diocese of NewJersey The Rev. Clive Sang, Dcn., Canon Missioner For Black Ministries The Very Rev. Richard C. Wrede , Archivist/Historiographer Saturday, May 20th at 4pm at Trinity Cathedral, Trenton ************************************************************************************************************************ ********************************** Memorial Service for David Diehl is Saturday, May 27th at 11:00 am followed by a repast in the auditorium. ********************************************************************************************************************** ********************************** St. Luke’s Hot Meal’s Ministry Need Volunteers on May 28th! Hot Meal’s Ministry is a group of volunteers who go to St. Mark’s in Keansburg on the fourth Sunday of the Month to prepare and serve a hot meal to about 150 people in their Community Center. The faithful volunteers have gone faithfully since September and even served on Christmas Day. But many of the volunteers will be away on the fourth Sunday of May which is May 28th, the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend; therefore volunteers are needed. Serving once does not commit you to go every month. The menu is set, the food is purchased, all you need to do is to show up and follow directions. It’s as easy as that. Volunteers are needed who are able to drive as two of the usual volunteers do not drive and will need rides. The volunteers meet in the kitchen at 9am – many will attend the 8am service – pack up the food and head out. They are usually done and back here by 3. If you would like to volunteer please email Jim at or 732-906-5637. ************************************************************************************************************************ ********************************** It is time for Graduations – Please let the parish office know if there is a member of your family that is graduating from 8th grade, high school, college, or graduate school and where they are going next. Graduates will be listed in the June newsletter and honored during the 10am service on Sunday, June 11. ************************************************************************************************************************ ********************************** St. Luke’s next Flea Market is August 5th. Please do not bring items in until Mid-July as we do not have a lot of storage space. If you need to get rid of items before that time, please take them to Green Drop on Amboy Avenue. ************************************************************************************************************************ ********************************** Sisters and Brothers All - As we continue to hear from Nino, it does “take a village.” One of the major needs at this time, early in the life of the Afghani family here among us, is the need for transportation. There are many agencies to visit, documents to be verified, and general needs to be assisted with…and the simple willingness to drive them to those appointments is essential. Please consider adding your name to Nino’s list of drivers, especially if your time is flexible. And thank you to all who have and who are doing so much to make this family feel welcome! ************************************************************************************************************************ ********************************** 142nd Annual Meeting And United Thank Offering Ingathering Saturday, May 20, 2017 Grace - St. Paul’s Church, Mercerville, New Jersey Holy Eucharist 10:00 a.m. The Rt. Rev. William Stokes, 12th Bishop of New Jersey, Celebrant and Preacher The Rev. Trisha Thorme, Deacon Chair of the Global Goals Task Force Speaker All women of the diocese are invited and encouraged to attend and bring feminine hygiene products to assist in our work with the NJ Period Project. A catered lunch will be available for $18.00 by completing the registration form available now through the Diocesan website, by following this link: Please register by May 12. ************************************************************************************************************************ ********************************** Saint Luke’s Guidelines for Reimbursement The following policy was put in place by the Vestry in October 2016; When you spend your own money on behalf of Saint Luke’s with the intent of seeking reimbursement please follow the following protocols; 1. Get a detailed receipt that identifies the item you purchased for Saint Luke’s. 2. Make a copy of the receipt and circle the item(s) for which you are seeking reimbursement. 3. On the receipt, print your name and the reason for the purchase. 4. Complete a Request for Reimbursement form. These forms are available in the Parish Office. 5. Staple the receipt to the request form. 6. Give your completed form to the Administrative Assistant. Some additional information; Any requests for reimbursement must be made within 45 days of the original purchase. The Treasury has published the check disbursement schedule which you can access through the Administrative Assistant. Prior to checks being written, one of the Wardens will review all disbursement requests for approval. Reimbursement checks will be written as part of the regular disbursement schedule. For May, reimbursements must be in the office by 2:00 pm on Thursday, May 11, 2017, Thursday, May 25, 2017 ************************************************************************************************************************ ********************************** FRIDAY – May 5, 2017 8:00 am Morning Prayer 12:00 noon Men’s Luncheon at Houlihan’s 5:30 pm Evening Prayer 7:00 pm Second Looks at Favorite Books 7:00 pm Engaging the Beautiful Workshop SATURDAY - May 6, 2017 10:00 am Engaging the Beautiful Workshop 5:30 pm HOLY EUCHARIST – Rite II Eucharistic Minister – Jim Mandler Lector – Perla Van Chama SUNDAY – May 7, 2017 8:00 am Holy Eucharist – Rite I Eucharistic Minister –Kije Rwamasirabo, Seminarian Crucifer – Sierra Smith Lector – Marilyn Higgins Usher – Charlie Higgins 9:00 am Early Bird Education Hour 10:00 am Holy Eucharist –Rite II Eucharistic Minister – Makena Tramontin Crucifer – Carson Tramontin Torch Bearers – Lector – Ushers – John Maresca and Gail Zelley Altar Guild – Marie Nagengast and Pat Quirk 11:15 am Coffee Hour 11:15 am Sunday School 12:00 pm Schola Cantorum Rehearsal 12:00 pm VBS Meeting in the Fryer Room 7:00 pm The Thirteen Concert - The French Connection Monday – May 8, 2017 8:00 am Morning Prayer 5:30 pm Evening Prayer Tuesday – May 9, 2017 8:00 am Morning Prayer 5:30 pm Evening Prayer Wednesday – May 10, 2017 9:00 am Morning Prayer 10:00 am Healing Service followed by Bible Study 5:30 pm Evening Prayer 7:00 pm St. Veronica’s Guild Thursday – May 11, 2017 9:00 am Morning Prayer 4:00 pm Schola Cantorum Rehearsal 5:30 pm Evening Prayer 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal Friday - May 12, 2017 – Father Ed’s Sabbath Saturday – May 13, 2017 5:30 pm HOLY EUCHARIST – Rite II Eucharistic Minister – Jim Mandler Lector – Beverly Dunn Hernandez Next Sunday – May 14, 2017 8:00 am Holy Eucharist – Rite I Eucharistic Minister –Kije Rwamasirabo, Seminarian Crucifer – Sierra Smith Lector – Jane Smith Usher – Charlie Higgins 9:00 am Early Bird Education Hour 10:00 am Holy Eucharist –Rite II Eucharistic Minister – John Sharp Crucifer – Torch Bearers – Lector – Karen Siegel Ushers – Tony Warn and Marie Nagengast Altar Guild – Florence Tracy and Gail Zelley 11:15 am Coffee Hour and Reception to honor Kije Rwamasirabo, Seminarian 11:15 am Sunday School 12:00 pm Schola Cantorum Rehearsal
Reflection for May 4, 2017
Reflection for May 3, 2017
Reflection for May 1, 2017
Reflection for April 30, 2017
Reflections for April 29, 2017
Reflection for April 28, 2017
Reflection for April 28, 2017
Reflection for April 27, 2017