Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Outreach Baitul Aman House of Peace Mosque
Meet and talk to peace-loving Muslims for peace, life, loyalty, and liberty who believe the Messiah has come. Experience "love for all, hatred for none".
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facebook.comPeace be with you, Jerusalem is a sacred site to the Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam alike. In fact, it’s the third holiest site in Islam. It’s where Abraham’s faith was tested by God and where the holy Israelite Prophets and Messengers worshipped, preached and lived, including Jesus. Peace be upon them all. The Holy Quran is filled with the inspiring truths and veneration of the Israelite prophets and messengers. ...we don’t have to give in to divisiveness, we have the choice to transcend it and send a message...I invite my fellow Americans, and beyond, to be a bridge in chaotic times, a light amid darkness and a healing when wounds are fresh. Unify with us in education and understanding at our Ahmadiyya Baitul Aman “House of Peace,” 410 Main St., Meriden, Fridays at 7 p.m. for coffee, cake and conversation on True Islam. In this perilous time, we need to work tirelessly for justice, kindness and kinship by leading through example to make love overcome hate before the world descends into another devastating world war. Read more here http://www.nhregister.com/opinion/article/Another-view-Tumultuous-conditions-in-Jerusalem-12441412.php For more information please contact our Outreach & Quran Education Director Chaplain Zahir Mannan at 860-670-6402 or Zahir.mannan@ahmadiyya.us Peace & spiritual love
Peace, As the New Year approaches, let’s end this year with unity, understanding, and action for peace and justice. Meet and talk to us over free coffee and cake at Panera. Discover what we have in common and the differences that make us unique. Break barriers in working together for a better future. Did you know that an entire chapter in the Holy Quran is devoted to Mary, Mother of Jesus, the Messiah, and another chapter to the family of Jesus’ grandfather? Did you know Mary wore a Hijab and in Islam is a model for all believers, male and female? Did you know that Moses and Abraham are among the most often mentioned Prophets and Messengers in the Holy Quran? Find out why and more Tuesday nights in Wallingford Panera at 6 pm. All are welcome! See what we’re all about at www.TrueIslam.com And the work we have been doing 1. https://www.pri.org/stories/2017-12-05/how-hate-and-debate-came-connecticut-mosque 2. http://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-41601034/he-shot-at-a-mosque-and-his-life-changed
Free Coffee & refreshments at Panera Bread for those who unite in dignified dialogue in divisive times & promote “Love for all, hatred for none”. Prayers for #TimeSquare, NYC & heroic 1st responders amid the cowardly terrorist attack Don’t let “wolves guised as sheep” win Prevent divisiveness Unite against terrorism in all forms at trueislam.com & Coffee, Cake & Conversation Meet ups Muslims today are in desperate need of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s Spiritual Successors Messiah Ahmad & Khalifas of Islam Defeat extremism with education, dialogue & action over coffee & #TrueIslam Ask any question, get answers and learn Tuesday nights at 6 in Panera Bread Wallingford & Friday nights at 7 in Ahmadiyya Baitul Aman Mosque Bring your family and friends
Peace be with you, Do you enjoy coffee, refreshments, and meeting new people in fellowship? Have questions or want to talk with an inclusive, honest community about whatever? Unify with us Fridays at 7pm in Ahmadiyya Baitul Aman “House of Peace” Mosque Meriden to discover “love for all, hatred for none”. This week let’s learn... What does Jerusalem have to do with Islam? What do Muslims believe about Moses, Jesus, and the Children of Israel? Ask us any question, no inquiry is wrong or offensive. Build bridges of understanding not walls of separation, wage peace not war! Face to face dialogue and education are the first steps to combating ignorance, fear, and hatred. In an era of escalating tensions and clashes between people, countries, and ideologies we need to unite in loving, healing action. If we sit back and hide rather than stand up in unity against injustice with justice, we’ll be part of the problem not the solution. Please feel free to call me at 860-670-6402 or email me at zahir.mannan@ahmadiyya.us With peace, prayers, and love, Chaplain Zahir Mannan Outreach & Holy Quran Education Director Regional Youth Outreach Director & National Youth Spokesperson Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA Baitul Aman “House of Peace” Mosque, 410 Main Street, Meriden, CT 06451
Warm up with your friendly neighborhood Muslims every Friday night @ 7pm. Can’t make it? Call or send a msg 2 setup a time of your own #MuslimAlly
Peace, This week let’s explore marriage in Islam. Does Islam really promote child marriage and the like? What does it teach about the relationship between a husband and a wife? What are the solutions to today’s societal ills? We’re here to dispel myths and present the truth with love and togetherness. As always, anything and everything is up for discussion. Join our dignified dialogue nights or setup a time of your own with Muslims who believe the awaited Messiah has come again. Take the first step in promoting understanding in divisive times.
I’ll open the doors of our Ahmadiyya House of Peace Mosque tomorrow night at 8 pm to host anyone who wants to Meet A Muslim, Discover A Mosque, ask any question, and make a friend. Talk about anything and everything, learn with Muslims who believe the Messiah has come again and are unified behind one spiritual leadership, the Khalifa of Islam