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Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Mercer Island

4400 86th Ave SE, Mercer Island, United States
Religious Organization



A Christian congregation in the Episcopal/Anglican tradition, seeking to welcome, worship, witness and serve in the name of the One, holy and living God.


We may have unknowingly chosen our yoke to busy-ness and stress; however, we can consciously choose our Sabbath from it.

We may have unknowingly chosen our yoke to busy-ness and stress; however, we can consciously choose our Sabbath from it.

Weekly News

Whether we take the image literally or figuratively - how might that simple cup of cool water offered to a stranger engage us more deeply in loving and following God?

From our Sunday healing service back on May 7: The life of discipleship demands that each and every one of us continually ask ourselves how we can live more and more from the love of God. Being human, none of us are perfect at it and we all can grow in love - as can our community. Thank God, literally, for the capacity to forgive and be forgiven, to learn and grow and have our eyes and hearts opened to God’s love all around us.

Three new posts from the youth on the SSJE Pilgrimage are up. Yesterday we experienced Jackson, MS and today we arrived in Selma, AL. #SSJE2017

Wifi has been spotty, but are reflections from our days in New Orleans and Jackson. On to Selma in the morning. #SSJE17

Around this time last year, we took the first journey to Memphis, Little Rock, and Jackson with stops in between. Part II of our experience begins today as we travel to New Orleans, and then on to Mississippie and Alabama. Follow along with us as the youth make daily posts to our blog.

What will it take for our laughter of disbelief about the magnitude of gifts we have been given to turn to laughter of delight at the amazing gifts God has given us and the possibilities that await when we live into these gifts?

Emmanuel is a generous, Christ-centered, multi-generational community. We provide a peaceful sanctuary, welcoming all to worship, learn and grow in faith, caring for God's creation, and serving our neighbors. ~ Day of Discovery, May 21, 2017
