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Menifee United Church of Christ

26701 McCall Blvd, Menifee, United States



A progressive Christian church that shares God's love, follows the teachings of Jesus, and listens for the Holy Spirit through worship and social action.  The Mission of Menifee United Church of Christ is to: share the love of God, follow the teachings of Jesus, and listen for the Holy Spirit. We accomplish that by: doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God; feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and welcoming the stranger, as Jesus taught us; and engaging in sacred worship experiences, inspired by the Holy Spirit. We look to the future knowing that God will be with us, Jesus will lead us, and the Holy Spirit will guide us. Now and in the future: We welcome, celebrate, and love everyone of every age, sex, race, class, faith, ability, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Therefore, Menifee United Church of Christ is Open and Affirming, a designation of the United Church of Christ, meaning we don't exclude anyone.



"We Are Family" is the title of Rev. Bill's message this week, Sunday, May 7, at 11:00 am. It is based on Acts 2:42-47. Do you have a church family? You are welcome to join ours! Check our website at for more info.


You are invited to worship with us this coming Sunday, April 30, 2017 at 11 am! Rev. Bill's sermon is "Would You Recognize Jesus?" based on Luke 24:13-35. If you would like to read some of his previous sermons, you can find them on our website at under "Past Sermons."

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Have you visited our Farmers Market yet? Come tomorrow, or any Friday, from 8:30 am to 1 pm and enjoy the variety of wonderful produce and gifts!

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Do you ever have doubts about your faith? "Doubters Are Welcome Here" is the title of Rev. Bill's message on Sunday, April 23, 2017 at the 11:00 am service. It is based on John 20:19-31, the story of Thomas, one of the disciples, who had doubts. We hope you will join our lively, loving, and liberal congregation this week!

The message for Sunday, April 9, at 11 am is "God Would Never Forsake You."We are located at 26701 McCall Blvd in Sun City CA. We have a Sermon Talkback after worship so you can respond to the pastor's message!

"Laugh Your Way to Grace" is the book we are discussing at our Bible Study/Book discussion group on Thursday nights at 6 pm at the church (26701 McCall, Sun City CA). Come and join us!

This Sunday, April 2, we will share communion, sing, and worship God together. Rev. Bill's message is "Live Life Before Death, Not Just After" and includes the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11.

We hope you will join us this Sunday at 11 am for worship! Rev. Bill will preach about Jesus' healing of a man born blind (John 9) in his message "You Were Not Born a Sinner."

Worship with us today at 11:00 am at 26701 McCall Blvd, Sun City CA!

Menifee United Church of Christ's cover photo

Menifee United Church of Christ's cover photo

Join us this Sunday for inspirational worship! Rev. Bill's sermon is "You Are Worthy of God's Love," based on the story of the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:5-42. Plan to stay for lunch and our sermon talkback after the service!

A Prayer Service for Mother Earth will be held at Pilgrim UCC, 41861 Acacia Ave., Hemet CA tonight at 6:00 pm in solidarity with the Rise with Standing Rock Native Nations March on Washington today. We have a car pool going to this service. Meet at Menifee UCC by 5:15 pm if you'd like to join us.


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