Brevard County Erna Nixon Park
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facebook.comSo excited to see everyone tonight! Great music, great food, and of course the Brevard Astronomical Society and their telescopes to view the celestial night skies! Please park at the Melbourne Square mall near JCPenney pole #4 and take the FREE shuttles. If you require disabled parking at the park, PLEASE CHECK IN THE MALL FIRST and we'll be happy to help you! See you tonight!!!
Only 4 more days! So excited to see everyone! Make sure to park at POLE #4 near JCPenney at the Melbourne Square Mall to get our FREE van shuttle to the event. NO PARKING will be available at Erna Nixon Park! If you require a disabled parking space at the park, PLEASE check in at JCPenney parking lot POLE#4 FIRST and we'll be happy to arrange it!
Getting closer!!! Super excited to add Tropical Mavens to our list of musicians that include WEEP, Minimum Wake, Sharon Osuna, Seyba Diouf, Tino Eno, and Wild and Blue! Make sure to park at POLE #4 at Melbourne Square Mall and get the FREE shuttle over to the park! Disabled permit spaces are available at the park BUT YOU MUST CHECK IN AT MALL PARKING LOT FIRST! Thanks and see y'all soon! Brevard County South Area Parks & Recreation
Come visit Erna Nixon Park after dark! Live music all along the boardwalk and sky gazing with the Brevard Astronomical Society, who have telescopes focused on many of the celestial bodies in the night sky! Food will be available for purchase by Ben & Jerry's, Chachi's Cafe Food Truck, and Dusty Joe's Smokin' Eats! Entry fee is CASH only and $4.00; children 3 and under are free! Park in the JC Penney parking lot at the Melbourne Square Mall, pole #4, to catch a FREE shuttle to the event. All disabled parking must check in at our booth in the JC Penney parking lot. Bring an instrument to donate to the Acoustic for a Change!
Space Coast Lightfest!
Come visit Erna Nixon Park after dark! Live music all along the boardwalk and sky watchign with the Brevard Astronomical Society. BAS will have telescopes focused on all of the celestial bodies in the night sky! Park at JC PENNY, pole #4, to catch a bus to the park. Food will be available for purchase by Ben & Jerry's Chachi's Cafe Food Truck. Entry fee is CASH only and $4.00! Bring an instrument for donation to Acoustic for a Change or you can donate $1.00 to United Way for a chance to win fabulous prizes!
Join us for some awesome musicians, Brevard Astronomical Society, Food, Prizes, and a fabulous evening strolling through Erna Nixon Park!
Staghorn Fern donated by the Stutts family, Thank you for the beauty! Thanks go to Richard and Larry of our fabulous maintenance team for hanging it this morning.