Ella Canavan Elementary School PTO ~ Medina, OH
This page is for teachers and parents at Ella Canavan Elementary School in Medina, OH. In addition, we welcome staff at Ella Canavan to join us and stay connected to the PTO.
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Canavan students AND teachers: get ready for Ohio sales tax holiday! Friday, August 5, 2016 at 12:00 a.m. and ends on Sunday, August 7, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. During the holiday, the following items are exempt from sales and use tax: Clothing priced at $75 per item or less; School supplies priced at $20 per item or less; and School instructional material priced at $20 per item or less.
Box Tops for Education
Bus Routes - Medina City School District
Bus routes announced! https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10153914576553458&id=319488993457
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Back to school shopping might be starting...keep school dress code in mind! “For shorts:Bermuda length is most acceptable, No tight fitting or short shorts. Students may not wear tank tops, spaghetti straps, shirts or blouses that expose the “tummy”, halter tops, cut-off t-shirts, baseball caps, scarves, bandanas, heavy metal chains, or bright fluorescent sprayed hair. Shoes must have backs. No slides or flip flops. It makes running on the playground dangerous. Students who wear tennis shoes with wheels must take them out before they wear them in the school. If these guidelines are not followed and clothing is deemed by our staff to be unsafe or inappropriate for school, your child may be given a warning or a phone call may be made asking you to bring a change of clothing. It is not our goal to embarrass children or inconvenience families, we simply believe that a child’s appearance should be appropriate for school, the child’s workplace.”
Canavan Kindergarten July 2016 update
Special newsletter targeted to our incoming KINDERGARTEN families! http://eepurl.com/b-1QSX
Canavan Corner (PTO) Newsletter
Would you like to receive our monthly email newsletter chock full of info, sign-ups and reminders? Here you go! http://medinabees.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=acac9c290e0a56a87b06472d5&id=e99e83246f
Canaan Corner Summer 2016
Our monthly email newsletter: SUMMER edition! http://eepurl.com/b-1NC9
About AmazonSmile: Program details and FAQ
This makes us SMILE! Raise free money for Canavan with your Amazon shopping...here is the lowdown. Look for Ella Canavan PTO! http://smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/about/ref=smi_aas_redirect?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0
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School is approaching...volunteers already at work! 💚🐝
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Bonus box tops in FULL FORCE! Many spotted at Walmart on school related items including Kleenex multipacks, Lysol, General Mills cereal boxes, Nature Valley granola bars. Supply shoppers: Lysol price dropped below generic brands!
Brian Condit on Twitter
TBT: 5th grade field trip on the Goodtime 3. https://t.co/ObtD4ttC1N" http://ow.ly/h46O301p048
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Back to school shopping might be starting...keep school dress code in mind! “For shorts:Bermuda length is most acceptable, No tight fitting or short shorts. Students may not wear tank tops, spaghetti straps, shirts or blouses that expose the “tummy”, halter tops, cut-off t-shirts, baseball caps, scarves, bandanas, heavy metal chains, or bright fluorescent sprayed hair. Shoes must have backs. No slides or flip flops. It makes running on the playground dangerous. Students who wear tennis shoes with wheels must take them out before they wear them in the school. If these guidelines are not followed and clothing is deemed by our staff to be unsafe or inappropriate for school, your child may be given a warning or a phone call may be made asking you to bring a change of clothing. It is not our goal to embarrass children or inconvenience families, we simply believe that a child’s appearance should be appropriate for school, the child’s workplace.”