Maryville First United Methodist Church
Connecting with people at life's crossroads. FUMC (First United Methodist Church) Welcomes you to Maryville, MO with Pastor Scott Moon
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facebook.comHey everyone I hope you are enjoying your summer! Just a reminder that this coming Saturday is our pot luck and swim night. The big shelter was already rented out so we will be in the smaller shelter so bring your lawn chairs and a dish to share. Looks like there will be around 100 of us yay! Some have already donated to pool cost and I want to thank you for that ! There will be a free will donation jar at pot luck before we swim to help pay for our next event back to school family bowling night 🙂in August 🙂
Joy camp & Daycamp starts today. Daycampers remember to pack a swimsuit, towel, water bottle, & Bible. Check in begins 9:00 at First Presbyterian while Joycamp is 9:00 at First United Methodist. Can't wait for an amazing week.
After a bit of a hiatus, we are back studying John tonight. Join us as we talk about Chapter 5, The Arrest, Trial, and Crucifixion of a King. 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall.
Awakenings Second Night
Please join us at 5 pm for pancakes, sausage, fruit and dessert at ChOW tonight. Emmanuel and Florence Mefor from Zimbabwe, Africa, who we have a covenant relationship with, will be speaking immediately following ChOW. For more information about the Mefor's, please click on the following link Please spread the word and we hope you can join us.
Hi everyone it's been a busy day but we have two future events planned. I believe I invited everyone in this group but want to make sure so I'm going to post it again here 🙂! Ok mark your calendars for Saturday June 24 at 6:30-9 pm for abstract painting, scavenger hunt and end the night with s'mores at Sarah Husing house 21449 HWY 148 ( thank you for being our host and coming up with this fantastic idea🙂). Second event end of summer potluck and swimming at Maryville pool on Saturday July 29th starting with potluck at Beal park at 5:30 then head over to pool to swim from 7-9 pm pool has been booked and reserved for our church family and remember to invite a friend to join you so they can make connections with people in our church and maybe they will decide to join our church or make new friends 🙂!! And of course don't forget to bring a dish to share 🙂!
This week we will have ONE WORSHIP SERVICE at 10 am followed by a time of CELEBRATION of our newly built addition and renovated facility, and commitments to pay for it. Something for folks of all ages! [No Sunday School this week.]
The LAST Catalyst before summer is tonight at 7! We will be talking about blessings in disguise! How many times have we turned away from God just because he didn't look the way we wanted him to? We are at the crossroads of 1st and Main at the First United Methodist Church. Don't miss out!
Jesus is risen! So if you saw Him, would you recognize Him? Would He recognize you? Let's talk about it tonight at Catalyst! FREE food will be provided at 6 followed by Catalyst at 7. We'll be at the crossroads of 1st and Main in the Gathering Space! See you there!
Tonight's Catalyst is an open discussion! What are you struggling with? What questions do you have? What is testing your faith? What is on your heart? Come join the discussion at the crossroads of 1st and Main at the First United Methodist Church!
REMINDER: Often times Christians are known for "hating" the flesh and looking forward to Heaven, but I would like to challenge this notion, and with it, Paul. This week at Catalyst we will be examining Jesus' 40 day journey in the wilderness to use as a source that maybe there is something special to being flesh that maybe Paul missed out on in his writings, and something powerful enough that even challenged God himself. Come join in on the discussion, the Tempted God, at Catalyst this week at 7 pm on Sunday! The United Methodist Church is at the crossroads of 1st and Main. See you there!