St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store, Outreach & Transitional Shelter
A gospel based Catholic lay organization that serves the needy.
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We are in need of volunteers to help sort food at the Oak Avenue Community Center this Saturday from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. All donations will be shared between Soup or Socks and St Vincent De Paul food pantries. Please share this post to help us get the word out. Thank you!
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Month of MAY Sales: 50% off all Children's Dept. items 50% off Ladies Dept. shorts and capri's May will be flowering with Savings on WEDNESDAYS! Mix & Match an outfit to wear/choose 3 pieces=50% off in Men's, Woman's, Jewelry, Shoes, and Children's Departments. Choose: 1 bottom, 1 top, 1 dress, 1 cover-up, 1 pair of shoes, 1 tie, 1 jewelry item, 1 hat. Any questions please come down/call the Store.
Stamp Out Hunger
Volunteers needed Saturday May 13th at the Oak Avenue Community Center to help sort food from 10 am until 6 pm. Any amount of time is greatly appreciated. All donations will be divided between St. Vincent De Paul and Soup or Socks food pantries. Please share this to get the word out. Thank you!
St. Vincent Thrift Store will close today at 12:00 and re-open at 3:00 pm for Good Friday.
Photos from St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store, Outreach & Transitional Shelter's post
Baldwin piano for sale at St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store. Please come to the Store if you would like to see it in person. $200.00 Thank you!!
Photos from St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store, Outreach & Transitional Shelter's post
Thank you to all who took part in the Boy Scout food drive. It was a beautiful day and a lot of food was donated to help the St Vincent De Paul and the Soup or Socks food pantries. If you weren't able to donate today but would still like to feel free to drop off donations at either pantry next week. Thanks again it is greatly appreciated by those we serve.
Photos from St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store, Outreach & Transitional Shelter's post
Boy Scout Food Drive Saturday April 8th. All food donated will help Soup or Socks and St Vincent De Paul food pantries. The gym is all ready, now we need the donations.
Photos from St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store, Outreach & Transitional Shelter's post
88.5 the family Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive. Today volunteers sorted all the wonderful donations. Thank you to all those who donated at area businesses and those who helped sort. The donations benefit Mary's Place, the Hannah Center, the Family Shelter, and the SVDP Outreach.
We would like to send out a great, big THANK YOU to Shelly Knudson and her group at Helping Hearts of Marshfield for donating diapers to be handed out in our food pantry!
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store will be celebrating Windstorm Wednesdays the remaining Wednesdays in March. We will be having a 50% off sale in our Children's, Men's, and Women's departments. Come shop before the deals blow away!! *Please note as of Wednesday March 15th our store will no longer have extended hours on Wednesdays and will close at 5:30 pm. As always, THANK YOU
Help wanted, RN/MA to help a physician perform Social Security Disability physicals once a month at SVDP Outreach in Marshfield. The shift will be from 8-12 and 1-5pm. Pay between $20-$25 an hour depending on experience. You will receive payment that day. Please contact Brian Allen DO at 507-450-0995 or for further information.
Photos from St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store, Outreach & Transitional Shelter's post