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St. Mary, Marshalltown

11 W Linn St, Marshalltown, United States
Religious Organization



St. Mary Catholic Church in Marshalltown, IA


Date Night will begin at St. Henry Church on Saturday, Sept. 16th at 6:00 pm in the dining room. Mark your calendar for a fun evening with your spouse: dinner and a presentation by Sue and John Fink "It's the Little Things in Our Relationship" No reservation is needed, just show up! If you need a baby-sitter, call the St. Henry parish office at 641-753-7374 before Sept. 14th.

¡¡REGISTRACIONES!! Este fin de semana será el último fin de semana que estaremos registrando a los niños para las primeras comuniones. Estaremos registrando en el sótano de la iglesia después de todas las misas de español: sabado 6:30pm domingo 11:30am y 5:00pm REGISTRATIONS!! This weekend will be the last weekend we will be registering for first communions. Registrations will be in our church hall after all the Spanish masses: Saturday 6:30pm Sunday 11:30am & 5:00pm

Congratulations to Sr. Chris on the occasion of her 50th anniversary! It is an honor to have a Golden Jubilarian serving our community. Come celebrate with us at the Midnight Ballroom (next to Kmart) from 1 to 4 on Sunday. Enjoy a festive atmosphere with food and music in honor of Sr. Chris!

REMINDER: Mass for St. Henry will take place at Immaculate Conception in Haverhill this coming weekend, June 24 and 25, as well as the next weekend, July 1 and 2. Mass times will remain the same.

Do you know what a practicing Catholic is?

Register now at St Mary or St Henry parish offices!

A Memorial Day prayer in honor of those who served our country but did not make it home.

In May we honor Mary and the important role she played in the life of Jesus Christ who was sent to earth to save each of us.

Let's celebrate our graduates! The graduation mass will be this Sunday, May 21 9:00 (English) 11:30 (Spanish) Please join us in the parish hall after 9:00 am mass for refreshments to celebrate our graduates. Graduates can participate in either of these two masses just let us know so we have your name on the list. We ask the graduates to bring their cap and gown. If you have not already done so, contact Bethany Jablonski to let us know you will be joining us.

Celebremos a nuestros graduados! La misa de graduación sera este Domingo, 21 de mayo 9:00 (inglés) 11:30 (español) Los graduados y sus familias están invitados a una recepción después de la misa en el salón parroquial. Los graduados pueden participar en cualquiera de estas dos misas solo necesitan avisarnos para tener su nombre en la lista y tambien saber cuantas personas asistiran a la recepcion. Les pedimos a los graduados que traigan su bata y gorro. Si aun no lo han hecho pongase en contacto con Ana Hernandez para poder celebrar este gran acontecimiento con su familia. Los esperamos!

Watch this You Tube video, then mark your calendars for October 8 and 9 for an awesome Musical Mission experience with Steve Angrisano.

May is a month dedicated to Mary, the patroness of the Americas.
