Harrison County Judge
This page will include information for Harrison County residents related to County business such as road closures, burn bans, fire outbreaks, emergency... This page will include information for Harrison County residents related to County business such as road closures, burn bans, fire outbreaks, emergency information, and any other County related information that the public should be aware of.
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facebook.comFlash flood watch issued for #harrisoncounty due to approaching Tropical Storm Cindy.
Thanks @EastmanChemCo for meeting with County Emergency and Security leaders. A great community partner in #harrisoncounty!
Fire drill at MAIN Courthouse Monday at 4 pm will interrupt services in the building.
Mon 6-12-17 the MAIN COURTHOUSE will conduct fire drill at 4pm. Services WILL be interrupted in the process.
Please do not get out on #harrisoncounty roads unless absolutely necessary. Downed trees, power lines and water blocking several roads an...
Harrison County offices will be closed Monday May 29, 2017 for Memorial Day.
Flags should be at half staff today observing Peace Officer Memorial Day
HarrisonCountyJudge (@harrisonjudge) posted a photo on Twitter
Downtown Marshall sees large crowd on a great day! https://t.co/WWvXUY9v47
HarrisonCountyJudge (@harrisonjudge) posted a photo on Twitter
Economic development leaders speak to a large crowd at Chamber Business Luncheon https://t.co/TvBGxDR52W
HarrisonCountyJudge (@harrisonjudge) posted a photo on Twitter
County roads deliver #ecodevo and jobs! Welcome HDW to #harrisoncounty #MEDCO #TXCountiesDeliver #txlege https://t.co/guhOqRUJil
HarrisonCountyJudge (@harrisonjudge) posted a photo on Twitter
Constable offices deliver in Texas! https://t.co/EYEc6sog2n
HarrisonCountyJudge (@harrisonjudge) posted a photo on Twitter
County offices closed Good Friday April 14, 2017 https://t.co/y0TsII38ZX