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Biz to Biz Network - Mankato 1

100 Warren St Suite 100, Mankato, United States



Intentional, member-promoting organization created by, and designed for, high caliber business people who possess a desire for success and business growth.


Biz to Biz and the Mankato 1 chapter want to invite YOU to our Visitor's Day meeting on October 24 at 12:00pm. We have a great group of business professionals doing business together and helping each other grow. If you own a business or are dependent on sales, we would love to have you join us to learn more. Biz is industry specific and is a focused way to create a personal sales team for lead generation and making connections. For more information call Biz to Biz at 763-249-2249 or email

What am I up to? Will you be “Lucky Enough?” If you are "Lucky," be sure to post a photo! #GetBizzy - Schmidty

#NationalLazyDay - Not celebrated here. #GetBizzy. #WhereBusinessesGoToGrow

Yes, this is true. I just thought you should know. #GetBizzy #SneakSomeZucchiniIntoYourNeighborsPorchDay #DontGetArrested

What a great day to deliver a box of chocolate chip cookies to your favorite customers & clients. #NationalChocolateChipCookieDay #GoGetBizzy #YouShouldJoinBiz #WhereBusinessesGoToGrow #SendUsPhotos


Recommended reading – Book 5 “All right, this is an oldie, but uh…well, it’s an oldie where I come from.” – Marty McFly – Back to the Future. Copyright 1936. How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie. (“The first – and still the best – book of its kind – to lead you to success.”) Have you read this book? How many times? What’s your favorite part? I have a copy on my bookshelf that says, “Over 15 million Sold – Fully Revised for the 80’s.” I’ve had this copy for a while, and I even have it on cassette tape. It was one of my very first, if not the first, audio book I ever purchased. When I was Field Training Officer for the police department, I routinely asked recruits if they wanted to be the best police officer they can be. Naturally, they all said, “Yes.” I would then ask if they, “became aware of a single tool that would help them to be a better police officer, would they use this tool?” Again, they all said, “Yes.” I would then ask if they ever read the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. Most said, “no.” I then said, “Well, that’s the tool, and I recommend you read this book ten times. Master this information and you will be the best police officer.” How many do you think read the book? Here are some of my favorite quotes mentioned in the book. “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” (I recommend memorizing this one.) “To be interesting, be interested. Ask questions that other persons will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments.” “Instead of condemning people, let’s try to understand them. Let’s try to figure out why they do what they do. That’s a lot more profitable and intriguing than criticism; and it breeds sympathy, tolerance, and kindness.” “If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.” - Henry Ford “Happiness doesn’t depend on outward conditions. It depends on inner conditions.” “Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him.” - Emerson Principle #4 – Ask questions instead of giving direct orders. Principle #7 – Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to. I could photocopy every page and call it my favorite. This book is so good; I’m ready to go through it again. I’ve likely been through this one more than 20 times, some parts, countless times. I used to practice stopping the tape and finishing some individual paragraphs by memory. It’s that good and considered essential reading! I hope you have enjoyed my recommended books to read series. I created it in the spirit of providing you with valuable tools that will help you grow your business. Thank you for your time and interest. #GoGetBissy #YouShouldJoinBiz #WhereBusinessesGoToGrow Schmidty

Book #4 – E-Myth Revisited - Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do about it by Michael Gerber This just might be the book I recommend most. Now, let’s go for a drive. As I hop into to the car, I reach down and begin to push fuel into the engine. I connect the battery; I turn the key just hoping I pushed enough fuel into the engine, but not too much because I don’t want to flood it. The engine starts, and I begin to push coolant into the radiator because I don’t want the engine to overheat. Then I make sure oil is circulating. Okay, now I need to push more fuel into the engine so we can go forward, but by doing that I also need more coolant, and I need to make sure we have brakes and steering. Then I need to ensure the transmission has fluid and then oil for the engine, air for the tires and so on. If you had to physically work each system in your car every time you drove, you would be quickly overwhelmed, and driving would be impossible. Wouldn’t you agree? However, this is exactly how many people operate their small business. They work everything every day. It’s pure chaos and now wonder why so many small business owners are overwhelmed and stressed. Thankfully the systems, of a car, were made to work together so we can drive our cars with as little thought and effort as possible. We just sit there and drive, the car, and its systems work to get us where we are going. Well, what if your business worked that way? What if you just sat there and drove, knowing that all the systems you have in place, run your business and get you where you are going? What would that mean to you? What would that mean to your family? Your employees? Your customers? Now, this was my example, but this is what this book is about. Creating systems to run your business, so all you must do is work the systems. Michael Gerber uses the story Sarah and her pies? It’s just wonderful and a game changer. If you’ve read this book, please share what was most valuable to you? We would love to hear it. #NowGoGetBizzy Schmidty
