McDonald's at 228 S Orlando Ave
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Pinch it! Stuff it! #FRORK IT! Get the Frork TODAY ONLY at part. MCDs! Find a Frork near you:
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So we solved a problem you never knew you had… with the FRORK™. Did the world need this? Nope. Does it work? Kind of… ? Either way, we hope you enjoy. Click here to find out where you can get one TOMORROW:
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It's perfect-ish & uselessly useful! Get the Frork at part. McDs restaurants this Friday, May 5th! Find out where you can get a Frork (while supplies last):
Signature Crafted Recipes
Our new Maple Bacon Dijon burger, with bacon with sweet maple seasoning, is just one of our new #SignatureCrafted Recipe sandwiches.
Introducing... The Frork™!
We’re continuing to raise the bar. All Day Breakfast, updated McNuggets®, our new Signature Crafted Recipes…and now The Frork™! A real solution to a mostly made up problem—toppings falling from our new #SignatureCrafted sandwiches. We can’t wait to show you what’s next… especially after The Frork™!
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The ☀️ is up—a new day is here! Breakfast at McDonald's will get you in gear!
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Sundays are for sipping!
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Friday Night Squad Goals 🙌
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From humble spud to World Famous Fries!
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Just finished our Easter Egg Hunt... Hope yours had as EGGcellent results!
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The cherry on top of your day? You can get a Small Smoothie, Shake, or Frappé for just $2! (for lmtd. time at part. McDs)
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Two hands needed for lunch. And maybe a napkin or two.