Bliss Flow Yoga
Welcome to Bliss Flow Yoga! We believe that taking care of your body, mind and spirit never goes out of style. We offer yoga classes, wellness programs, and workshops with instructors from all over the world.
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facebook.comOm snap! We're still busy getting everything ready for you Tuesday. Until then, we leave you with a yoga practice for off the mat.
Sweet dreams, dear yogis - tonight and tomorrow.
Summertime surprises are right around the corner. We'll see you on Tuesday, yogis!
Happy Memorial Day weekend, yogis. We can't wait for you to see what we have in store for you Tuesday! xo
When you need a lift—a smile—or a new perspective ? Lindsay says, "I turn to Mama Nature, open my heart and find the pose that’s calling me. And somehow she always seems to have just what I need."
There are still three chances to get your weekend yoga in. Are you ready?
When we find footing in our yoga practice, we have a chance to bring that same stability to our lives. Practice finding balance both literally and figuratively on the mat with Diane at 11:15.
Ayurveda tells us that the elements that make up the grand universe also create you and me. This week each class will begin with a meditation that aligns us with the greater forces of nature. Get to know the qualities of each of the five elements and how they may influence your health and well-being. Make a date on your mat Friday at 12:15 pm.
We have summertime surprises in store for you starting Tuesday. There are several more chances to get your yoga on before Sunday. :)
This week, Body + Soul is all about udana vayu - upward moving energy in the body. Our practice will work to move energy from the lower to higher chakras to promote mental clarity and increased energy.
Good thing we know how to make our own. Sleep well, sweet yogis. xo
What do you want to manifest in your life? We all experience a temptation to single mindedly chase our goals. But perhaps in the process we end up pushing them even further away. Becoming so attached to the mindset of desire, reaching the goal can lose its satisfaction and we immediately become fixated on the next goal. On a physical level, a yin practice lets the nervous system relax, permitting your body to open and move deeper into the postures. You learn that by striving less, you achieve more. Find surrender on your mat today at 4:45 pm.