UW-Madison Lakeshore Nature Preserve
The Lakeshore Nature Preserve is situated on the south shore of Lake Mendota on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. The 300-acre Lakeshore Nature Preserve represents about 1/3 of the total acreage of the main UW-Madison campus including 4.3 miles of Lake Mendota shoreline, roughly 1/5 of the lake's total circumference and the largest contiguous undeveloped swath.
The famed Lakeshore Path extends the full 4.3 miles along the Lake Mendota shoreline from the Limnology Lab, near the Memorial Union, to Wally Bauman Woods, next to the Village of Shorewood Hills, via Picnic Point, a peninsula that juts nearly a mile into the lake.
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facebook.comIn light of the gorgeous weather, a Yellow Lady's-slipper orchid displays itself in full bloom. The Preserve holds a diverse array of spring blooms thanks to years of volunteer effort and management, keep it up!
UW Biocore - Biology Core Curriculum threw a great birthday bash on Monday, and Preserve staff had fun talking to celebrants about the role of prescribed fire in prairie restoration. A few folks got wet!
From the May 2018 issue of LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE, Professor Drake and former graduate student Mueller's urban canid research in the Lakeshore Nature Preserve. https://landscapearchitecturemagazine.org/2018/05/10/closer-quarters/
June 9, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Stretch your legs on a walking scavenger hunt to the tip of Picnic Point--part of the Art+Lake+Green+Bike event sponsored by Alumni Park at UW-Madison. available.https://www.alumnipark.com/event/artlakegreenbike/
Some good information on how to protect yourself from Lyme disease.
Rain or shine come on out to celebrate Biocore Prairie's 20th birthday!
Twinleaf prepares to unfurl its rain drop-jeweled floral artistry in the native flower garden adjacent to the Hasler Laboratory of Limnology along the Temin Lakeshore Path. http://wisflora.herbarium.wisc.edu/taxa/index.php?taxon=14864
Big thanks to staff from the Cross-College Advising Service & the Career Exploration Center for removing invasive garlic mustard plants and making room for more wildflowers in the Preserve. BUCKY APPROVES!
As part of the All Campus Party 2018 students, alumni, and faculty on Bucky's Urban Odyssey crafted buttons for the Lakeshore Nature Preserve. Our volunteers will love them! Thank you Wheelhouse Studios at The Wisconsin Union !
The Virginia Bluebells are blooming! Find patches of this spring ephemeral just to the west of Picnic Point entrance and throughout the Preserve. Hoards of flowers will be joining this beautiful blue bloom in no time... Perfect time for a hike!
Thank you Badger Battalion Army ROTC volunteers for all the great work done today!
A Bucky statue will be unveiled at the entrance to Picnic Point (UW parking lot 129) on Monday May 7 at 11a.m. All are welcome for the ceremony!