Macdill Lanes Bowling & Family Fun Center
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facebook.comBowling Survey, Feb 2016
League Bowlers, or anyone really, marketing has a new survey to see what you think of MacDill Lanes. Want your voice heard? Here is the link...
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Don't forget! This Friday Night... Family Fun Night, April 1.
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Congratulations to the winner's of the St Patrick's Day 9 Pin No Tap last night. 1st place Men: Danny Sava, 1st place Women: Julia Sava. Thanks to everyone for coming.
NEW. Calling all Zombie lover's, a new summer league is coming this May. An Air Force program where you can get a free bowling ball and a surprise to be announced soon. Check back soon!
The sign ups are coming together for the 9 pin no tap tournament this Saturday at 1pm, come join the group. We are going to have fun and you can make some money!
Come join us for the February 20th 9 pin no tap tournament. 1pm start time. Get 9 pins down on the first ball and it counts as a STRIKE. $15 entry fee. Pays 1 place for every 5 entries. Call in to sign up in advance. Pay on the day of the tournament. Hope to see you there.
Macdill Lanes Bowling & Family Fun Center
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A teaser for March events are: 1) and most importantly- a welcome home party for Gail Thomas, date to be determined. 2) Club Appr Night 3) St Pat's Day 9 Pin No Tap tournament on the 17th at 6 pm. 4) Meet and/or bowl with the Air Show Demo Team on the 18th 5) We will be closed on the 19/20th weekend for the Air Show. Anyone wishing to volunteer to work the bowling booth, please contact me. We welcome any help.
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Just a quick note to send out the up-coming FEB events. You can look forward to the 1) Super Bowl Party this Sunday. 2) the Club Appreciation Night and 3) the "Valentine's Day" 9 Pin No Tap tournament on the 20th. We hope to see everyone at all 3 events!
Unfortunately, the lunch league has been canceled due to lack of participation. We will offer another one this summer. Start getting friends you would like to bowl with ready. See you on the lanes!
SOCOM Lunch League is going to start Tuesday after next. We have four doubles teams so far. If you have an interest in this event, shoot me an email with your details.
2 new short (12 week) leagues start soon. A Thursday night @ 5:30pm and a SOCOM Lunch Time league (Bowling & Lunch included). Thursday meeting is Jan 7 and starts Jan 21. Lunch Time is To Be Determined and under development, and a flyer will be posted soon. Make it a Happy New Year on the lanes, and come join us!