City of Lovington, New Mexico
Official government page for the City of Lovington, New Mexico. By accessing this page, you agree to the terms of use found in the About section. This is the official municipal government page for the City of Lovington, New Mexico. This page is designed to expand the City's ability to share information about our community with the public.
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facebook.comGood news! The Chaparral Park Splashpad is open for the season starting today! #itmightbespringbutwerereadyforsummer #mylovingtonnm
Join us for library programs in March!
PUBLIC NOTICE The canvassing members will meet to review the municipal election results at City Hall, 214 S. Love St on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. Anna Juarez City Clerk
Ready for registered voters to come by and VOTE!!!
Early voting from 8am - 5pm at city hall. March 2, 2018 is the last day for early voting. ELECTION DAY IS MARCH 6, 2018 from 7am to 7pm!!
The State of New Mexico has amended the Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Act to allow the use of OHV's on paved public streets through the adoption of a local ordinance. A few examples of allowable OHV's would be a Polaris Ranger, Yamaha Viking UTV, or Polaris RZR. This does not include 4 wheelers, quads, or golf carts. These types of vehicles would not be allowed to drive on (except crossing) Avenue D or Main Street as they are both State highways. In addition, there are requirements these vehicle and operators must comply with as well as following all traffic laws. The City Commission discussed this issue during the February 26, 2018 regular meeting and are seeking public input. Hence, this simple poll has been developed to ask the public the following question: Would you support allowing Off Highway Vehicles on paved City Streets?
Business Licenses Due!!! The City of Lovington wants all businesses to be reminded that Business Registration Renewals are due March 15, 2018. If not paid on time, a $50 penalty fee will be assessed. Please renew your license today.
A copy of tonight’s MRA presentation slides is now available at
MRA Plan Update Presentation
In case you can’t make the MRA plan presentation tonight to provide your input, we will be live-streaming the event. We will have very limited ability to respond to your questions or comments you submit, but they will be taken into consideration prior to the final approval and adoption of the update by the City Commission. The meeting will start at 6 p.m. tonight at the Troy Harris Center. Hope to see you there.
Notice: Election Training Thursday, March 1, 2018 10:00 A.M. City Hall Commission Chambers 214 S. Love The County technician will be here To demo the voting tabulator