Loveland Public Library
We are a dynamic, evolving organization, dedicated to providing our community members equal access to the space, information, and resources they need.
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facebook.comWe are pleased to announce Shoutbomb - A Free Text Message Service! How Do I Sign Up? Text SIGNUP to: 720-893-9151 When prompted, enter your card number (full number with no spaces, e.g. d00xxxxxxx) You’ll receive a list of active and inactive notices. See the ‘What kinds of notices will I get‘ section for more information. What Do I Need to Sign Up? A mobile phone with text messaging capability Text messaging service (check your cell phone service plan) Your 10-digit barcode number from your library card Will I Be Charged For This Service? The library doesn’t charge a fee for this service, but your cell phone plan’s regular text messaging rates still apply. Check with your cell phone service provider to see the cost of text messages in your service plan. You can expect a larger volume of text messages with this service.
Networking is a great way to connect with the community! Our Business Outreach Librarian, Jack Door, enjoyed meeting other young professionals at the Regional Business After Hours event last night at the Budweiser Events Center. You never know where one of our Library staff may show up next!
Learn all the right steps and moves if you are considering a side job for extra income. We’ll talk honestly about the opportunities and challenges of being your own boss.
Join us to learn ways to minimize your risk of identity theft. We’ll talk about data breaches, online safety practices, email scams, password tips, phone scams, and more. Fight back by getting informed.
January 11th, come learn about what animals do in the wintertime!
Symphony! Music Presentation & Lecture Series Beethoven Symphony 9 6:30-7:30 pm Erion Room
Symphony! Music Presentation & Lecture Series Dvorak Symphony 8 6:30-7:30 pm Erion Room
Symphony! Music Presentation & Lecture Series Hanson Symphony 2 6:30-7:30 pm Erion Room
Symphony! Music Presentation & Lecture Series Haydn Symphony 94 6:30-7:30 pm Erion Room
Symphony! Music Presentation & Lecture Series Mozart Symphony 25 6:30-7:30 pm Erion Room