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Sup of the Lord Ministries

8196-0 Terminal Rd, Lorton, United States
Religious Organization



"We are not just a church, but a family of nations"


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Anniversary Weekend is finally here! We are so excited and cant wait to see our family and friends. Let the celebration begin! Events: Friday Service 04/07- 7:30 pm Saturday Service 04/08- 6:30 pm Sunday Celebration Service 04/09- 10 am Will see you all tonight! Fin de semana de aniversario esta finalmente aquí! Estamos tan emocionados y no podemos esperar de ver a nuestra familia y amigos. ¡ Que comience la celebración! Eventos: Servicio de Viernes 04 /07- 7:30 pm Servicio de sábado 04 /08- 6:30 pm Servicio de celebración del domingo 04 /09- 10 am ¡Nos veremos a todos esta noche!

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Good morning Family and Friends! Only three more days to start our 35th Anniversary Celebration! God has been so good these 35 years and we cant wait to see what He holds for us for the next 100 or more years. We are counting the days, hours and minutes to see you all to celebrate all he has done for us! We love you and cant wait to see your beautiful faces! Buenos días familia y amigos! Sólo tres días más para comenzar nuestra Celebración del 35º Aniversario! Dios ha sido tan bueno estos 35 años y no podemos esperar a ver lo que Él tiene para nosotros durante los próximos 100 o más años. Estamos contando los días, horas y minutos para verlos a para celebrar toddo lo que Dios que ha hecho por nosotros! ¡Te amamos y no podemos esperar para ver sus caras hermosas!

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Quick reminder tomorrow April 2, 2017. We will be pre-selling tickets for the Food Trucks for our 35th Anniversary on April 9th. Dont forget to bring your money!

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Don't forget spring forward this Saturday March 11! No se les olvide cambiar la hora este sábado Marzo 11!

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35th Anniversary of Sup of The Lord

We would like you to celebrate with us for Sup of the Lord Ministries 35th Anniversary. Join us as Pastors Thomas and Deborah Gibson will be passing what the Lord started 35 years ago, onto Pastors Michael and Connie Gibson to continue His work. Schedules are as follows: Friday, April 7th @ 7:30pm (first service) Saturday, April 8th @ 6:30pm (special service, passing the mantle) Sunday, April 9th @ 10am (Celebration/closing service) If you are joining us from out of town, please RSVP to this invitation, and we look forward to seeing and fellowshipping with you soon! -Much Love, Pastors of Sup of the Lord!

35th Anniversary of Sup of The Lord

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El Señor salva, libra, hace señales y milagros en el cielo y en la tierra porque él es el Dios viviente, que permanece por la eternidad ".Daniel 6:26,27. Prayer and Fasting January 9-29 Prayer & Intercession Ministry. This will be a time for seeking God, we believe our purpose for these 21 days is that we as a church will fully develop a heart like God’s, We believe, that during this time, God will respond by depositing His love & His heart into our church and our lives on a greater level. We also believe that great victory will come out of this for every single one of us... 2017 !!

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Sup of the Lord Ministries's cover photo

Sup of the Lord Ministries's cover photo

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Come join us for our first 2017 Church Service ! This Sunday January 1st - 11:00 am , This is where we give our first fruits of the year, we pray over the next year and Pastor Michael Gibson reveals the word & purpose for the 2017 !

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Sup of the Lord Ministries's cover photo

Sup of the Lord Ministries's cover photo

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Sup of The Lord's Christmas Service celebration is being held this Friday night at 7:30pm at the church. There will be no Sunday morning service Dec 25. Hope to see you there and please bring a friend!!

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Hope for the Homeless

Hope for the Homeless

Sup of the Lord Ministries's cover photo

Sup of the Lord Ministries's cover photo
