Warrior Playground
The Warrior Playground is full scale American Ninja Warrior and Obstacle Race training facility for kids & adults - located at Grit Fitness Center.
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facebook.comCoach Mitch and I playing at the new @longmontclimbs gym today. Tons of fun routes. Great to see another great business here in Longmont. All Warrior Playground members get 20% off memberships and services at the LCC
What's the Trinity Challenge? Sign up and come find out! Thank you Austin for explaining it🤣
Great time at the UNAA Area Qualifier this weekend. @lorinball designed a great fun course. Warrior Playground athletes had a great showing too👍 And I was happy to get 1st in the UNAA over 40 division and 4th overall. Check out the vid on our YouTube channel https://youtu.be/f3KtC2bChzs Looking forward to regionals on June 2nd at @warriorplayground - early bird discount available thru 3/17 @ Ninja Brand Parkour Gym
Coach Mitch getting the 10 foot Nunchucks!
NNL Winner Olivia Vivian, came out to play with us this weekend. Thanks for the Aussie gifts 😁 @ Warrior Playground
Ninja Skill #4 POWER! As any experienced ninja knows, you need explosive lower body power to clear a required jump or to accelerate up the Warped Wall and we need upper body power to complete the salmon ladder and big laches. Not only do we need this power to be successful at Ninja, we need to be able to generate it in a fatigued state. How do you train for this? Body weight Power Exercises: Box jumps, Broad jumps, Hand Clap pull ups and Hand Clap Push ups... Weight training based Power exercises: Power Cleans, Weighted Jumps Squats, Resisted Running Drills using Sleds, Bands, and Parachutes, Weighted (pull ups, muscle ups, salmon ladder, peg board work...) and Medicine Ball work. If you are not training like this you should be! This is how we train at the Warrior Playground. If you would like to find out more about these techniques or if you would like to train with us - Contact us. If you would like to share any other Power training strategies that you like - Leave a Comment
We are having some website issues & email issues this week. Please contact us through our phone or facebook. You can still schedule for classes through our facebook schedule as well.
If your arms feel like this while Ninja training - you might need to work on your Grip Strength, Ninja Skill #3 Obviously a key component to being a strong ninja is the ability to hang from difficult to hold objects for long periods of time. This is why so many rock climbers tend to do well with ninja training & competition. If you want to be a ninja - you need to spend some time rock climbing, that's rule #1. Additionally we recommend a balanced program of working on Grip Strength & Grip Endurance. For Strength, heavy bumper plate pinch grip work, farmers carries, and even fat grip pull ups or dead-lifts work great. For Endurance, deadhangs, nunchuck work, Peg Board work, and grip squeeze devices work well for high reps. Last but not least, make sure to include both flexor & EXTENSOR work. Many forget to work on their extensors and therefore have weaker flexors. Work your grip at least 3 days per week and work on progressively increasing your training time intervals. Example: Bumper Plate Pinch Grip Day 1 = 1/2 to 1 full set of Tabata timed intervals (20 work/ 10 sec rest) Day 2 = 1 full set Day 3 = 1 to 2 sets of Tabata timed intervals. Day 4 = 1 set of extended Tabata (30 work/ 15 sec. rest or even 40/ 20) Day 5 and beyond - keep pushing it. Grip develops fast when you work on it - so challenge yourself.