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Bark Avenue Dog Training & Behavioral Modification

3262 Holly Stand Ct, Loganville, United States
Pet services



Dog training is about teaching a dog to respond to commands. Having a well trained dog will improve your life and the life of your dog.



The Good Dog Training And Rehabilitation

Training is forever, it's not a "I'll work on it when I have the time". Keeping up the training once your dog goes home makes all difference.

The Good Dog Training And Rehabilitation

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How Consequences vs No Consequences Work In Our Dog’s World A balanced dog trainer uses many tools when training dogs. Markers (yes, no, good), food, verbal praise, e-collar and prong collars are the tools we use every day. In the world of the balanced dog trainer, there is “yes” or “no”, there is no gray area. When a dog makes the right choice they are rewarded with a “yes” and “good”. When a wrong choice is made, a “no” and a consequence/correction is given. Depending on the dog and the training required, food can also be used in the training process. When a dog makes a wrong choice, there should be a consequence/correction for that choice. Some people really struggle with the idea of correcting dogs with anything other than saying no and redirecting the dog toward the right choice using food and praise. In more cases than not, this method does not work unless you are simply training basic obedience work (sit, down, stay, come). What happens when there is something going on in their environment that is so much more entertaining than you are? When you have a guest in your home, does your dog react in a respectful manner or do they jump up or lick your guests? Does your bolt out an open front door or car door at every opportunity? Do they whine and bark when you leave them alone? Do they pull you down the street on what should be a relaxing walk or do they react to other dogs, humans, bikes, etc. on a walk? Do they rush the food bowl when it’s time to eat? Do they guard their food, toys or you? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you have a dog that is bratty, pushy and disrespectful. Just saying “no” and redirecting a dog with food will never change this type of non-sense. Dogs with a total disregard for rules and boundaries, you must use a consequence/correction to change the behavior. Let’s think about it for a minute from a human standpoint. If you are caught drinking and driving, is there a consequence? If you don’t pay your house payment or taxes on your home, is there a consequence? When you were a child and came home from school with a much lower grade than your parents expected, was there a consequence? If you get angry and punch someone in the nose, is there a consequence? If you are continuously late to work, is there a consequence? Well, of course there is. We understand from a very early age there will be consequences if we break or have a total disregard for rules and boundaries. So, why do we give our dogs a free ticket to be pushy, bratty and disrespectful? To be fair to our dogs, it is important that we first train our dogs to understand the rules and boundaries. Once the line of communication is open and a dog clearly understands the rules and boundaries, consequences/corrections are a fair response to wrong choices. We need to create consequences and rewards that are valuable in our dog’s world. In our human world, we understand there are consequences when we make a wrong choice so why wouldn’t we apply the same principle of consequences for wrong choices in our dog’s world?

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