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Hacienda Real

3130 Pine Lake Rd, Lincoln, United States
Tex-Mex Restaurant



A family Mexican restaurant


We now have an Instagram account for the restaurant called hacienda_real_southpoint.

The temporary phone number for Hacienda Real south point will be 402-420-6292.Thank You El número de teléfono temporalde Hacienda Real South point es 402-420-6292.Gracias

Due to inclement weather we will be closed today Monday Jan 22. We will re-open tomorrow at 11:00am Sorry for the inconvenience!!

We are currently selling bracelets to help out the church $5 a piece. If you would like to purchase one please talk to one of the employees here! Thank you and as always Thank You for Your Business We appreciate it!!!!

Today marks 2 years since Hacienda Real opened. Way to go Hacienda Real Staff on the success of another wonderful year. Continue on, and keep up with the great job you are doing. Thank you to Each and Everyone,most definitely our loyal customers, that have been a part of this journey. You all are greatfully appreciated and valued so much!!! Thank you and we look forward to seeing you, and we appreciate all the business that has helped us to make it 2 years, and continue on for another wonderful year. Thank You so much and bless all of you!😀

We are currently looking for qualified servers that are in search for a job. Please stop in and talk to the management staff or if you know of anyone looking for a job please let them know we are looking for new employees to join our staff. Thank you for your business and have a good day!

We will be closed in respect of The 4th of July. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday. Normal business hours will resume Tuesday July 5th. Happy 4th of July. As always Thank You very much for all your business. It's all very much appreciated. Take care. ☆☆☆☆☆


NEAR Hacienda Real