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College View Academy PreK-12

5240 Calvert St, Lincoln, United States



Facebook page for College View Academy PreK-12 in Lincoln, NE.  We are a Adventist school that loves learning and teaching about Jesus.



Congratulations class of 2018! High School graduation pictures are on the website. Take a look!

Tuition Assistance at CVA helps families to make Adventist education a reality! Your gift will help to provide an education to students during the 2018-2019 school year. Your gift goes further now through May 31. Thanks to the Give to Lincoln Day Foundation, CVA will be eligible for a portion of a $400,000 grant based on how many gifts we receive through the "Give to Lincoln Day" website: Your support of College View Academy impacts every student. Thank you for making a difference today and investing in our students!

The teachers/staff at CVA are finishing up with end of year meetings this week, but summer break is just around the corner!

Thanks Fredregill family for your commitment to CVA! Have a blessed summer! Thanks Mrs. Chilson for your dedication to our students. "It's a little mind blowing to think that today is my baby's last day of preschool. 6 years ago, I dropped 3 year old Blair off at CVA for her first day of preschool, and after having to peel her off of my leg, I power-walked back to my car and proceeded to ugly cry in the parking lot for a lengthy amount of time. In the midst of my tears, and mom guilt, and doubt, I received a text a little later from the angel we now lovingly refer to as "Mrs. C". It was a picture of Blair, smiling and giggling, playing with her new friends, along with a message saying she was having a great day. Fast forward to 2 years ago, I was dropping Luke off for his first day of preschool at CVA, and I may have bawled again, this time because he basically sent me on my way and didn't need me anymore. Again, I received a picture and encouraging message from Mrs. C to get me through the morning. Now it's my baby's last day of preschool, and I'm sitting in the CVA parking lot, trying NOT to cry that my kids are growing up entirely too fast. Thank you, Shannon, for the 4 years you've spent teaching and loving both of our babies. You'll never know what a huge difference you've made in their lives. We love you!!"

The middle school world series was a smashing success today! Mayor Chris Beutler threw out the first pitch, Lisette Parks sang the national anthem and the students had a blast. Thanks to Pastor Ray Daniel, Pastor Michael Halfhill & Pastor Caleb White for helping our PE teacher, Shawn Sorter, to make the world series a reality once again this year. Marcus Morris from High Society Cheesecake brought them tasty cheesecake and Pastor Daniel brought the souvenir baseball helmets.

Please join us in celebrating the 8th grade graduation on Thursday, May 17 at 7:00pm in the College View Church. There will be a reception to follow in Heartland Hall.

Please join us as we celebrate with the class of 2018! Friday, May 18 7:30pm Piedmont Park SDA Church Sabbath, May 19 12:00pm College View SDA Church Sunday, May 20 10:00am College View Academy Gym

Senior Spotlight - Zoe Luke How many years have you been at CVA? 13 When you think back over your time at CVA what makes you most proud? That I managed to get all A’s in every class I took. Being #1 rank in my class. Briefly share a memory of your time at CVA? Playing in the championship game at volleyball tournament will always be one of my favorite memories. Favorite memory of time spent with your class of 2018: Senior Survival our class actually bonded when we had the positive circle and we shared what we liked best about each individual person. Who at CVA has provided guidance for life? In what way? Mr. Burton: I can go to him with any problem I am facing and he works through it with me. He prays with me whenever he knows that I am having a hard time. He gives me solutions to my problems. What class do you more appreciate taking while at CVA? A & P What will you miss most about CVA after graduating? Having classmates who are a tight unit. The people. Playing volleyball with my best friends. What advice would you give future senior classes? Spend time with the people who you are still with, don’t get too focused on graduating and being done with high school and ignore all the people around you. Stay involved and make your last year count for something instead of just being done.

Congratulations to the 2018-2019 SA Officers! Student leadership is such an integral part of a school, and we are blessed with a group of students who are equipped and ready to lead! President: Matthan Sigowa Social Vice President: Caleb Bonilla Public Relations: Jordan Martindale Secretary/Treasurer: Savannah Fortney Pastor: to be filled in the fall

Congratulations NHS members! You are now officially inducted - keep up the good work.

When Lincoln Comes Together, BIG Things Happen! For 24 hours, on Give to Lincoln Day (May 31, 2018) every donation given to local College View Academy is made bigger by matching funds. It is one special day when everyone in Lincoln is asked to make a donation showing their support for the organizations that contribute so much to our great city. Donate to College View Academy any time in May to have your contribution count towards the matching money at:

Next week is the final week of school at CVA for the 2017-2018 school year. We are anxiously awaiting graduation on May 20. Give to Lincoln Day is coming up and it happens once a year allowing CVA to receive a portion of a $400,000 grant based on how many gifts CVA receives through the "Give to Lincoln" website. The gifts will fund CVA financial assistance—which impacts many, many students. While May 31 is the official day, you can give early, any day between now and May 31 at Our students are able to attend CVA and learn more about Jesus because of generous donors like you—thank you! #cvahasheart #givetolincolnday


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