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Saint Joseph Parish Lincoln Park NJ

216 Comly Rd, Lincoln Park, United States
Religious Organization



Saint Joseph Roman Catholic Church
216 Comly Rd. Lincoln Park, NJ 07035
Parish Office: 973-696-4411
Fax: 973-305-8466 Our Parish Vision

Because of our mission, because we are disciples of Jesus, we have embraced Stewardship. We recognize that we have been called to be the Lord’s stewards.  We have been anointed by Christ to use His gifts of time, talent, and treasure, to care for the poor, to help those in need, to preach the gospel, to celebrate the sacraments, to make Christ present in the world, and to make this world God’s kingdom. Stewardship not only is a vision of what we are called to be, but it is also the way to fulfill that call. Just as Peter, James, and all the disciples heard the call of Christ and followed Him, let us too answer Christ’s call to be His stewards.


FELLOWSHIP AFTER MASS On Sunday, July 23 after the 10:00 AM Mass, St. Joseph’s Parish will be hosting a “coffee and”...a time to gather outside church, “weather permitting”. Please join us. All are welcome!

New to the area? Looking for a parish home? Please visit us at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church: a vibrant parish, very active in community outreach, fellowship, liturgical celebrations and prayer opportunity. To see more, visit our parish website at

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." Psalm 33:12

The Knights of Columbus use recycled aluminum cans as a source of revenue to “Help Us Help Others”. We have a pickup at St. Joseph’s Church every Saturday morning between 9 AM and 11AM. We take as many cans (aluminum only) as you can drop off, soda cans, beer cans, etc. Please help the Knights help those of us in need.

We will be holding special Registration Days for Religious Education classes for Grades K – 8 for new and returning students on Sundays from July 9 to July 30 at 11AM in the Parish Center (school). Please bring your child’s Baptismal Certificate if he/she is new to the program. Registration forms will be available.

This Sunday, June 25, after the 12:00 Noon Mass, St. Joseph's Parish will be hosting a "coffee and": a time to gather outside church, "weather permitting". All are welcome!

Congratulations to the 2017 Graduates of Holy Spirit School !

Congratulations to our young adult parishioners who were Confirmed in Christ by Bishop Serratelli together with the Holy Spirit Confirmation class on, June 8, 2017.

St. Joseph's parish is being asked to provide canned tuna & salmon for the Diocesan-wide Catholic Charities food collection on the weekend of the Feast of Corpus Christi, June 17-18.. Kindly bring your food donations with you to Mass this weekend and deposit them in the box in the back of church marked for the Corpus Christi Food Collection.

Please visit our website at to view some of the many ministries, Masses and events our active and vibrant parish has been involved with in 2017!

Saint Josephs Parish Celebration of the May Crowning of Mary on May 17th. 2017


NEAR Saint Joseph Parish Lincoln Park NJ