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Founders Classical Academy of Lewisville

1010 Bellaire Blvd, Lewisville, United States
High School



Founders Classical Academy® is a free, ResponsiveEd charter school affiliated with Hillsdale College and is located in Lewisville, TX. Founders Classical Academy takes an approach to education characterized by a traditional liberal arts and sciences curriculum and pedagogy, and an orientation towards truth, beauty, and goodness that aims to cultivate wise and virtuous citizens.

Founders Classical Academy® is a campus of Responsive Education Solutions® and is accredited with the Texas Education Agency as a public school designed to provide an effective, research-based education for our students. The learning systems models of Responsive Education Solutions are accredited with AdvancED™.


The Basketball Showdown was a lot of FUN! Thanks to everyone for coming out to support the teams! #FCApride

THANK YOU to the 65 families that donated to our school silent auction! Your child is rewarded with a SPIRIT/jeans day! #FCAcommunity #support (you can still donate :)

There is one more basketball event left this school year and that is the annual Basketball Showdown where the staff takes on our varsity basketball teams . Please come out for this fun filled event and show your support as the staff team looks to get redemption from last year. The showdown will be on Friday, February 23rd, at 6:00 PM here at the FCA Gym. Full concessions and food will be available for purchase. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for students, and $3 for senior citizens. This event is sponsored by the FCA Athletic Booster Club and all proceeds will benefit the FCA athletic programs. Questions:

FCA students received 1st at the regional history fair for their individual & group exhibit! We are so proud of all of them as they head to Austin in April to compete at State. #historyfairregionals #austinbound #texasstatecompetition #firstplace🏆

Mrs. Nied's 4th grade class enjoyed a visit from a Cistercian Monk named Fr. Philip. He spoke about the rule of St. Benedict, his way of life, and answered the many questions that the students asked. He then impressed the students with solving a rubik's cube in 30 sec. and yo-yo-ing like a professional!

Help the Chamber Singers Raise Some Dough! Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Doughnuts - $9.00 CASH ONLY per dozen Original Glazed Dozens will be available for pick up on Friday, March 2 between 7:15 am and 8:00 am. Don’t want the doughnuts for yourself? You can purchase a dozen to donate to your child’s class! Don’t want to order a whole dozen? Assorted Krispy Kreme Doughnuts will be available for students to purchase before school on the 2nd for $1.00 per doughnut! Order forms and cash can be dropped off in any office or given to the representatives in carline throughout the ordering period. ***Order forms will be sent home with students and will also be available during carline and near each office*** DEADLINE TO ORDER DOZENS IS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27. Thank you for supporting your FCA Chamber Singers

MEMBERSHIP MEETING Middle School Library Please come join us for the 2nd Membership meeting of the 2017 –2018 school year. We will be discussing what we have accomplished this year, what we are currently doing and start looking toward the 2018 –2019 year. ***YOUR INPUTISNEEDED*** We encourage all coaches, parents and staff to attend, as we are here to support theathletesat Founders Classical Academy! SEE YOU THERE!!

Football video, whiteboard talk, and walk thru with Coach Price. *pizza will be provided* Questions:

For: current 4th-11th graders! Where: Middle School Cafeteria Questions:

We have tetherballs at FCA!!! A huge THANK YOU to the Holloway & Kenline Family!

FORMAL FRIDAY- dress in professional business attire. Attire for Boys includes a suit or sports coat & a tie with slacks and dress shoes. If a child does not own a coat, he may wear a button down Oxford style shirt with a tie. Girls may wear a shirt and a blouse, with or without a blazer, with dress slacks or uniform-length skirt and dress shoes; they may also wear a dress that meets our dress code policy (no spaghetti straps, plunging necklines, midriff-baring, see-through attire, or side or front cut outs permitted). If students do no dress in business attire they must wear traditional school uniforms.


NEAR Founders Classical Academy of Lewisville