Top Local Places

Old Nick's Pub

191 Lowes Foods Dr, Lewisville, United States



Old Nick's is a welcoming local pub with good drinks, beer, wine, darts and pool, local beers on tap, comfortable seating, and occasionally live music. Old Nick's Pub is owned by proprietors, Norman and Jennifer Hill, and is a welcoming private club for members of the greater Lewisville community. We want it to be a comfortable place to hang out with friends. Old Nick's is a welcoming local bar with good drinks, beer, wine, free darts, pool, foosball and cornhole. we have local beers on tap, comfortable seating, and live music.

So, what's the history of the name? We want to emphasize ties with the community and we know that Lewisville is a town which is interested in honoring its history. Delving into this history led us to the name of Nick Williams who was and whose family was prominent in Lewisville history.

Who was "Old NIck Williams"?

Nicholas Lanier Williams, the founder of the Williams Distillery in 1768, was the son of Colonel Joseph Williams, an officer in George Washington's Revolutionary Army.  He established the Distillery on the 8,000 acre Panther Creek Plantation and family homeplace along the Yadkin River.

119 years later, Nicholas Glenn Williams (March 28, 1865 - November 25, 1913), the great grandson of Colonel Williams, took charge of The Old Nick Williams Company, expanding the operations and selling old and new products nationally and internationally.  Originally, the whiskey was made from corn, with the spent mash feeding his cattle herd, but he later added Rye, Wheat, Bourbon and Sour Mash varieties as well as producing Brandies from fruit grown on the farm.

Nick Williams, a sharp businessman, was also politically astute.  As the Prohibition movement progressed in 1903, a new law forbid distilleries outside of chartered towns.  As a result, the town of Williams came into being, population 52, comprised mainly of family, farm workers and distillery employees.

Nick was also a great marketer.  He labeled his product "Best Whiskey in America" and pursued a vigorous mail order business.  He advertised frequently and offered great deals on his products.

Taxes on liquor production and liquor rectification (or blending) were quite steep.  In the early 1900's Nick was accused of tax evasion, was tried and found guilty in Federal Circuit Court.  The decision was appealed all the way to the U. S. Supreme Court, where he lost again in 1905.  In 1908, Prohibition was in full force in NC making alcohol illegal to produce or sell.  The distillery closed, the town of Williams disappeared and Nick returned to farming.  He died 5 years later at the young age of 48.

Old Nick's Pub is not related to nor does it represent the Old Nick Williams name or family, the Old Nick Williams Company, Inc., the Old Nick Williams Distillery or the Old Nick Williams Brewery.


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