Celebrate Recovery at Lifepoint Lebanon
Working Through 12 Steps with the 8 biblical principles of recovery based upon the Beattitudes!
Our Purpose:
The purpose of LifePoint Church's "Celebrate Recovery" is to fellowship and celebrate God's healing power in our lives through the 12 Steps and 8 Recovery Principles. This experience allows us to "be changed." We open the door by sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes, with one another.
In addition, we become willing to accept God's grace in solving our lives' problems. By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy, and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others. As we progress through the program we discover our personal, loving and forgiving Higher Power-
Jesus Christ.
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"If God has given you new life you have to quit choosing old death" Pastor Kelly giving us a #New message! If you aren't here tonight YOU HAVE TO GO WATCH THE REPLAY!
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Tonight! 6:30pm
Celebrate Recovery Mental Health
From our state rep, Paul Martin. Good morning Forever Family Prayers and thoughts of encouragement to our Tuesday Celebrate Recovery's Grace be with you all "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its taste, it cannot be made salty again. Salt is useless if it loses its salty taste. It will be thrown out where people will just walk on it." — Matthew 5:13 ERV What is salt? Salt is a crystalline compound that occurs as a mineral and is used primarily in food preparation. It both seasons food and preserves food. Jesus used "salt" as a metaphor for the way His disciples should relate to the world. As a seasoning for the world, the disciples of Jesus would transform the world into something good that would please the Lord. As a preservative for the world, the disciples of Jesus would preserve what is still good in the world from further corruption.
"Don't Ignore the Pain" (The Warning Signs) "You can’t heal a wound by saying it’s not there!” (Jer 6:14 NIV) Have you ever experienced tooth pain? I mean, I-can’t-sleep, throbbing, Lord-I-can’t-survive-this pain type of pain? Today, my sore and swollen mouth and jaw remind me of that very kind of pain, which I experienced just over a week ago. The endodontist went in yesterday and did a root canal, clearing out all the offending tissue that caused the “sudden” attack that brought me to my knees, forcing me to do something about it. The thing is, it wasn’t truly sudden. I’ve been having trouble with this tooth for years, with sensitivity that was getting worse and worse. At the end of last year, the dentist told me I’d probably need a root canal. I said okay, I’d schedule it after the first of the year. I put it off. Although it was irritating and frustrating, I had dealt with it so long, I thought a few more months wouldn’t matter much. I completely underestimated how quickly the pain could throttle, nor how intensely painful it could be! I had been lulled into complacency because I had been dealing with the pain for so long, and because it was bearable. And them BAM! The tooth said, “No more!” How often do we do this in our lives? We experience “minor” pain, and do nothing about it. We engage in the compulsion until we are addicted. We allow the abuse because “it’s not that bad.” We isolate from relationships because we’re too busy or just don’t want the hassle. We keep on moving, knowing it’s getting worse, knowing we need to do something about it, but putting it off. And then BAM! One day, seemingly “out of nowhere,” the pain becomes so great we can barely function under the weight of it. Praise God for Celebrate Recovery! The Great Physician, with the tools of CR, clears away the hurts, hangups, and habits that eventually bring us to our knees if we don’t deal with them. As painful as the process is, it’s so worth it to experience the freedom and peace healing brings! By Sabrena Stolze, Southeast Regional Director
North Point Community Church
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Kelly Rhoades
Pastor Kelly sharing his ideas and thoughts on why vision is important in our lives.
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Tables and Chairs are ready for dinner tonight. If you're hungry, see you a 5:45! If your not interested in dinner, come to Worship and Large Group at 6:30. Tonight we go over the Seven Reasons We Get Stuck. This will be great points for those of us who feel stalled in our recoveries or at life in general.
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