Old Town Laramie, Wyoming
The Rootin' - Tootin' Old West town ya came half-way 'round the world to see... and a shopper's paradise (especially antiques!) Drop in fer a spell, pard!
Old Town Laramie, Wyoming is a group of attractions and businesses which champion and cultivate the unique, vintage, rootin' - tootin' wild-west pioneer image of Old Laramie, in the Wyomin' Territory. You know - the wild-west town you traveled half way around the world to see.
Unlike lots of towns like Dodge City, Laramie's old town was not torn down for urban renewal - it's still there, with downtown buildings dating back to 1868, when the transcontinental railroad wound its way into town, bringin' cowpokes, tie hacks, card sharks, bankers, merchants, and desperadoes with it as it worked its way west toward the "golden spike" in Utah.
Retrace the steps of Butch Cassidy and Calamity Jane. Go into Butch's jail cell. See where the desperados were lynched in 1868 by the sheriff and his vigilante committee. See where the madam was murdered in the alley by her husband. Find out why the local newspaper was named "The Laramie Daily Boomerang". Look for the hangin' tree in the alley! Tour our red light district (not shut down until the 1950's!!) See where universal women's suffrage began, 50 years before America allowed all women to vote! Also the world's first women's jury, the first woman bailiff (and Wyoming had the first woman governor).
There's lots more... click on the NOTES tab (upper left side of our main page!) And visit our list of unique businesses to sample a bit of the old town - one of the most famous old west towns. (Especially if you only have a few minutes or hours, and don't have time to search for them.)
The lore of Old Laramie is still livin' in the buildings of the participatin' businesses and attractions. Come visit us - we're just a couple minutes off I-80, just a block or two west of U.S. 287/30, and less than an hour off I-25.
Sure there are lots of businesses downtown. But the members of the Old Town Laramie Association want to take you back in time to Old Laramie, not turn Laramie into something resemblin' New York or somethin' back east. You came all the way out here, and you deserve it, pardner!
Watch this page regularly for hints on where the buried treasures are, so you can make the most of yer time when ya git here!
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