Fenner Nature Center
Fenner Nature Center connects people to nature in the midst of Lansing through conservation, education and stewardship. Located in the heart of Lansing, Michigan, Fenner Nature Center is 134 acres of mixed habitat with approximately 4 miles of trails, through maple groves, pine forests, swamp forests, old fields, and 3 different ponds. It is an ideal place to hike, view or photograph wildlife, picnic, or just relax.
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facebook.comA simple nature spinner everyone can make! - Mother Natured
We recommend getting out in nature to calm the fidgets, but when online learning and indoor environments are a necessary part of your day, why not bring the outdoors in with these "nature spinners." You'll need cardboard, string, glue, scissors and natural materials to decorate the spinner with. Once you're done, give it a spin and watch the colors and textures of your chosen natural materials create a kaleidoscope effect. https://mothernatured.com/nature-crafts/make-a-nature-spinner/
Michigan Birding by Season: Fall » Bird Watcher's Digest
When you think of fall, what do you think of? Changing leaves? Pumpkin picking? Hot apple cider? Scarves and wool socks? What about birding? While you might think of bird watching in conjunction with Spring or Summer, in Michigan, Fall can be the most exciting birding season. Bird Watcher's Digest calls September the peak of migration. This month you might find "rarities" or "vagrant" birds along with the expected migratory bird species. So pull out your binoculars or keep your feeders stocked with high energy foods, like suet or peanuts. https://www.birdwatchersdigest.com/bwdsite/explore/regions/midwest/michigan/michigan-birding-season-fall.php?fbclid=IwAR3xjm0ZUDpu3io9VVwUOV23JksUx3lwN1x0xAmy4U6JeFUFJW_HnzuanV0
Photos from Fenner Nature Center's post
Happy National Coloring Day! In case your coloring page supply is running low, check out these coloring pages from the U.S. Forest Service. Our favorites of these printable pages are the ones featuring tree leaves. Whether you go with their fall colors or their summer greens, comment below with a picture of your completed page. https://www.fs.usda.gov/learn/coloring-pages
Peek inside this quarter's SEASONS newsletter and you'll find articles on the organization's response to COVID and our plans for a modified celebration of Apple Butter, a Creature Feature featuring the American Kestrel and an article about benefical viruses' roles in nature. This edition is in the final stages of editing, and it's not to late to get it shipped directly to your house when you sign up for a membership. Visit mynaturecenter.org/membership today.
Whether you're an artist interested in honing your craft or you have little budding artists at home who are working on their fine motor skills, try shadow sketching. Find some of the last of the summer sunshine and suspend your natural materials so that they cast their shadows on your drawing surface. Once you have your outline, try filing in details or colors by observing your specimens. Thank you Naturally Creative Early Years Consultancy for this idea to encourage creativity.
Looking to participate in some socially distanced citizen science? Our program manager recommends these initiatives. Check them out now or scan the QR codes at our front kiosk when you visit the park.
Celebrate with us today, National Nonprofit Day! Fenner Nature Center and many other sites, services and programs here in the Lansing region are run by nonprofits, for the community and supported by the community. Thank you to our fellow nonprofits for the work you are doing, we see you! And thank YOU for your support of these organizations.
Photos from Fenner Nature Center's post
Instead of breaking out the crayons or glitter, try using natural materials to decorate these animal faces. Use sticks for antlers or grass blades for garter snake stripes or ferns for bunny ears. Then share a photo of your creations here. Remember to check the rules on collecting if you're gathering your art supplies from somewhere other than your backyard.
Looking for a spot to 'hang' out on #NationalHammockDay? Fenner Nature Center has several locations where poles are installed to hang your hammocks while still adhering to city ordinance that prohibits tying off to trees. Whether you prefer the prairie location or the Tamarack Trail location, we hope to see you out here.
Natural paintbrushes are wonderful, whether you're looking to create some abstract art, you've lost the paintbrushes that come with your kids' watercolors, or you're looking for an easy sensory activity. For more information on how to make them, check out our Summer edition of our SEASONS newsletter, now available at the Visitor Center. Photo Credit: Mas & Pas
Have you seen one of our resident groundhogs on one of your recent trips to the nature center? We are getting reports that we have a whole "madness" or group of groundhogs. They're easy to spot, with their coats glistening in the sun as they scurry across our front fields in all their chunky glory. The reason you're seeing them more is that groundhogs are very active during the summer, eating. They store up fat reserves over the summer that will see them through the winter months of hibernation before they wake up and tell us whether we'll be having six more weeks of winter.
You don't need a store-bought loom or even know the difference between "warp" and "weft" thread to begin nature weaving. All you need is 4 sticks and some twine to make your own loom and natural materials that catch your eye. If you're collecting materials somewhere other than your backyard, be sure that you are allowed to collect at that site. Then, take your treasures and weave them over and under your twine. You can try different alternating patterns to create more visual interest or experiment with different sizes and shapes of looms for unique creations every time. Photo credit: FigmentCreativeLabs.com, you can check out their article here: https://figmentcreativelabs.com/2020/04/get-outside-and-make-a-nature-loom-for-nature-weaving/