The leader in wilderness education since 1965. NOLS is a nonprofit global wilderness school that will help you step forward boldly as a leader.
We believe that anyone can be a leader; it's our role to provide the environment and training to help you discover your full potential. We do that in classrooms close to home and in remote wilderness areas around the world.
We're an organization with heart, expertise, and wildness, and these qualities help us support powerful, authentic experiences.
Our mission is to be the leading source and teacher of wilderness skills and leadership that serve people and the environment. Our community—staff, students, trustees, and alumni—shares a commitment to wilderness, education, leadership, safety, community, and excellence.
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facebook.comPaddle Norway’s ocean fjords and islands while learning leadership skills on our Scandinavia Women’s Sea Kayaking - Prime course. Join here: See our other Scandinavia courses:
Why it’s important for teens to take on leadership roles:
Learn paddling skills, practice decision making, and develop your personal leadership style on a Whitewater River Expedition. Join this course: Just for 16 & 17-year-olds:
Explaining why you want to take two weeks off work to go on an outdoor expedition might be a tough sell, especially when you're an integral part of a team. Focusing on leadership development and planning ahead can help you get the support of your supervisor and coworkers:
Learn to cook one-pot meals, stay warm and dry with minimal gear, and navigate the mountains of Wyoming on our Rocky Mountain Lightweight Backpacking - Prime course. Join here:
4 strategies for making decisions—and when to use them
Learn to rock climb in the Wind River Range on our new 21-day Women’s Rock Climbing course. Join here:
“That summer cracked me open, so light could get in. The things that ruin us, the things that crumble our perceptions of ourselves… those are the things that spark who we were meant to be.”
Learn backpacking, mountaineering, and rock climbing on a Pacific Northwest Outdoor Educator course. Join us for a summer month of outdoor living, risk management, group facilitation, and Leave No Trace skills: