Royal Choices
Under construction... Please be patient while I figure it out! Thanks for checking it out. Please stay tuned....
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facebook.comI will be making a Sunrider order this weekend. Anybody need anything?
Royal Choices
Royal Choices's cover photo
For those of you who want to begin your Sunrider experience, my ID number 22906 and the name on it is Cheryl Jeannotte Royal Choices. For those of you who just want to get a few packets of Calli or Nuplus, you can make that request here, and I will provide it to you. They are $2 each and includes tax and shipping. Also, you do not have to join to get products from me. You can order specific products from me or give me a budget and I will put together an efficient package for you. I also will pass on my discount to all orders over $100. I will be available as much as I am possible to answer questions and provide you resources as you find your best experience.
Thank you, Carol Sherer for making a huge step and joining Sunrider! That really helps me but even more better is the fact that she will have the products in her repertoire as she powers through at a fitness level many youngsters would envy! This is the amazing woman that pulled me though the sticky years of my brain injury challenges. She drug me up ski hills and laughed with me as a tumbled down with absolutely no style or grace as I learned to use my right side more effectively. She paid attention to me and truly helped me for absolutely no reason except that that is the kind of person she is. So I am excited she will benefit for the pureness of Sunrider's foods and, of course, that Sunbreeze must for what aches you!!! You are always my superstar, Carol! Let me know how I can help you understand and get the most out of your Sunrider tools!
Now that I'm thinking a bit more clearly, I would like to clarify what I'm doing with my pages... Of course the main page will be the same ole rants and raves regarding social justice and other interesting fb stuff! I will limit the "whining" and intimate details of my health battle to "A Wellness Journey". Hopefully there will be less whining and more edification and education as time goes on... You are all welcome to join that group if you want to keep up with how I'm doing and what I'm doing about this cancer thing. Only group members can read those posts. This page will be about REGENERATION (nurturing the body's ability to restore order and maintain balance) and Sunrider. This will be where you can ask questions and/or order products. Many of you have been distributors in the past, or if you want to be one now, this is your path back to this invaluable tool. If you just want a few packs of Calli or Nuplus, this is the place to get it. I haven't worked out all the logistics yet, but it will come together. I am placing an order today before 2 MDT so if you want anything right away, let me know. I also will make orders over $125 the day you make the order. I look forward to your questions, your experiences and all of our better health!!! Have a great, safe holiday! <3 Cheryl and Sweetness
People are asking me all the time what they can do (I am so thankful for that!)... I've been giving it a lot of thought, and besides your continued prayer - which is really the greatest gift!, if you really want to help, please consider ordering some Sunrider for yourself and loved ones. Everyone has degeneration issues... Sunrider feeds the body so it can regenerate healthy cells. No matter what challenge you have, nutritional support is key and Sunrider is the most effective and convenient way to insure your getting safe, organic, concentrated, nutrient dense nutrition. Sunbreeze is a lifesaver for all sorts of things, sprains, strains, nausea, headaches, muscle aches, bruises... on and on. Calli replaces tea and coffee. Nuplus is 23 different plants, 1.5 lbs. of food concentrated...make a smoothie with it or just down it with some water. Quinary feeds the 5 systems of the body (immune, digestive, respiratory, endocrine gland, and circulatory) ... So if you want to help me, please help yourself, if you are able, and invest in yourself - feed yourself some Sunrider. I will be making orders monthly on the 4th. You can go to the Royal Choices page to learn more about Sunrider and order. Thank you for considering this and most of all, thank you for caring... Have a healthy, happy, safe holiday! I am so excited to see many of you! I'm not sure what I will be up to but I hope we get to have many "live encounters"!
Hello my dear ones who have followed me over here...haha Guess what? This is the wrong venue for this! Please join my GROUP called A WELLNESS JOURNEY. You don't have to unlike this page... It will be something someday... haha Trying to figure things out in cyberspace...
Royal Choices