Meadowset Farm & Apiary, LLC
Meadowset Farm & Apiary is a sheep dairy located in southern Chester County, PA that practices sustainable farming with a focus on producing aged cheeses. From the Swiss Alps to the fields of Pennsylvania, Meadowset Farm is a small 30 acre family farm in the heart of southeastern Chester County. The farm is run by Barbara and Thomas, two large animal veterinarians, their daughters, and Kaitlin Ricketts our farm intern. Max, the Bernese Mountain Dog and Annie, the Bullmastiff; 11 cats, chickens, honeybees and peafowl complete the tenants on this 250+ year old farm.
We run a grass-based licensed sheep dairy with East Friesland and Lacaune milksheep, following old-world cheese making practices. The 30 plus colonies of honeybees produce honey, pollen, propolis and beeswax.
We consider it a privilege to carry on the tradition of farming at Meadowset Farm. By practicing sustainability we strive not only to be good farmers, but also to become stewards of the land for those who will farm here after us.
"Our land is not a gift from our parents, but a loan from our children."
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