Lakewood,NJ Fire Department
The Township is served by the Lakewood Fire Department (LFD), a unified combination consisting of 5 volunteer fire companies and 2 career stations!
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The Lakewood Board of Fire Commissioners in conjunction with Fire Chief Mike D’Elia Jr., Fire Prevention Coordinator Jacob Woolf, and the members of the Lakewood Fire Department are hosting Fire Safety Day on Sunday, October 8, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The event will be held at Fire Station 64 which is located at 119 First Street at the corner of Monmouth Avenue. Fire apparatus will be on display and fire safety literature will be available.
The Lakewood Fire Department will be taking collection of items for donation to Puerto Rico. Please have your Members reach out to the community to gather items which are listed below. Let's make this a great team effort to show our fellow citizens that we are here and we care! I know it's short notice but I have faith! We would like to have all donations by October 10th so we can deliver to the NJ National Guard drop off site promptly. We will be storing and packaging all donations at Sta 68. Please contact one of the Chiefs to make drop off arrangements. HOW YOU CAN HELP PUERTO RICO The following are suggested items elected officials, community leaders and organizations should collect for donation: • Baby food • Batteries • Box Fans • Canned Goods • Cots • Cleaning Supplies • Diapers • Feminine hygiene products • Flash Lights • Flood Pumps • Hand Sanitizer • First Aid Items • High Capacity generators to restore power for hospitals, water service, flood pumps • Leather Work Gloves • NEW Underwear &Socks • NEW Bed Pillows & Blankets • Toiletries • Utility Knives
Our thoughts and prayers to all the residents displaced from the Covington Village Fire! Thank You to all the Ocean and Monmouth County Fire Departments who assisted on this 4th Alarm fire.
Congratulations to Hillel Kaluszyner - Driver Operator Station 64
Station #67 honoring the September 11th attacks.