Fitness by Marla Personal Trainer
NASM CPT , Certified Nutrition, Weight Loss, Corrective Exercise, Youth & Senior Fitness Specialist, Online Health Coach,
Live P90X Instructor
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facebook.com5 DAY FREE CHALLENGE GROUP ! Who doesn’t LOVE ❤️ Halloween 🎃?? Or all the tempting candy and treats 🍬 that go along with it ?? I know I struggle to get thru without indulging in a price of candy 🍭 here and there !! This is the start of the season where everyone throws there nutrition and workouts out the door because of all the hustle and bustle of the holidays!!! So how about we kick off October with some Halloween fun (cuz let's face it... pretty much the "funnest" holiday) and some tools to keep us moving forward in feeling & lookin great in our costumes! Let me know if you want to join us starting Monday Oct 2nd for a 5 Day FREE Scardy Cat Booty Camp! Gonna be SPOOKTACULAR🙀 😂 Comment "ME" or message me and I'll add you to the group! (bring a friend along to enter the raffle)🎃 #5dayfreechallenge #SpooktacularBooties
Where are my girls at ?? Who is ready for PUMP 💪🏻 Day ? #chestandtriceps #musclesaresexy
These ladies ROCKED the workout this morning !!! I am so proud of each of you for showing up and giving it 110% !
We want to go to Jamaica #fabfitfun #karisamaExperience #FFFgiveaway @fabfitfun
We want to go to Jamaica #fabfitfun #karisamaExperience #FFFgiveaway
Let the Grilling Begin !!! It's that time of the year ... Break out those BBQ's and lets enjoy the holidays !!! BUT... this is no reason to spoil your healthy eating and that Summer Beach Body you have been working so hard on !! So starting Monday we will be sharing LOTS of clean eating and DELICIOUS BBQ ideas .... PLUS.... we will add healthy yummy side dishes , food for the kids along with lower calorie drink ideas !! 🍓🌽🍢🍹 We would love for you to join us... comment below "I'm in" or message me and we will get you all set up ! Find me on FB @ #cleangrilling #letsbbq #stayfit
Wishing you all an Amazing week ! #coachlife #igotthis #trusttheprocess
What do you do when It's going to top out at 120 and you have a HIITS classes , a Circuit class and personal training to do ?? Cancel ?? HECK NO !! You turn in the AC to keep peeps safe and GET YOUR WORKOUT ON !! For everyone in this crazy heat today ... please Hydrate and keep you and your loved ones .. including your pets SAFE !! #goingtobeahotone #120degrees🔥😱 #wegotthis #staycool #hydrate💦
Can't believe I am about to do this....But here goes. I am a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Specialist and Online Health and Fitness coach! I am looking to help 5 Women with there Health and Fitness Journey. We will find the best custom workout program for you to do anywhere (home , at gym , while traveling ... Anywhere ) Meal plans to help aid in your goals along with support, motivation and ACCOUNTABILITY for the next 12 months...would you be interested??? What if I told you it would cost you $160.... Would you consider it?? Would that interest you in taking that first step to become the BEST YOU POSSIBLE?? If so, comment below, "Interested" or "More info Please" and we will talk ASAP !!! #beabetteryou #workingonyou #musclesaresexy
Talk about being impressed !!! This Beautiful young lady has been doing my junior fitness class for about a year..... she does this in between dance and voice lesions and musical performances !!! At first when she started she was pretty shy and soft spoken !!! Well today ....She was the only one to show up due to Weekend vacations ... so she got a little personal training lesson ! Not only was I overwhelmed from the strength gains she has gone thru ... but personal growth as well !! I am sure it is no easy being shy Around someone to open and outspoken as I can be !! But today warmed my heart as I saw her inner strength come shinning thru! Cheyenne... I want you to know how proud of you I am and how far you have come !! You are amazing and beautiful inside and out ! Now don't forget to do your homework ... With That strong voice ... "I am strong , I am beautiful , I am worthy and I am wonderful made !!" #personalgrowth #beauty #strength
Oh my yummy!! #lunchtime #behealthy #coachlife #workingonme
We all agree that it's a good thing Shaun T had his shirt off showing off his amazing upper body to get us thru that Insane Crazy 😜 Workout !! Especially Paula !! So Shaun... if your listening !! My class send a request for no shirt the last 2 days !! And thank you for that workout !! #carldiekler #insanefocus #shauntweek #wedohardthings #musclesaresexy