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SGA: Sun God Archery at UCSD

9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, United States



Sun God Archery at UCSD is a recreational, social, and competitive club practicing target archery; we welcome recurve, compound, and traditional styles.



Hi everyone, Practice will be cancelled this Sunday! We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

The straight story: Bow and arrow advances lift other sports

Archery's influence travels across many other sports and into many other professions such as space tech and dentistry!

USA Archery

Congrats to Brady, Zach, and Jake on their Olympic Silver Medal today! Some very incredible shooting! Watch live scoring resume at 5am for the Women's teams tomorrow! Unfortunately Team USA doesn't have a team, but it should some exciting matches!

USA Archery Cheer on Team USA at the Olympics! Brady qualified 2nd, Zach 15th and Jake 31st to seed the men's team at 2nd! Also Woojin Kim broke a world record shooting 700/720! (that's 350/360 average, meaning he shot around 26 10s/Xs and 10 9s every round) Opening ceremonies start at 4pm Pacific time this afternoon!

Hello all! Apologies for the late notice. Practice will be cancelled today (7/30) due to personal situations and unexpected issues. Practice will resume as usual on Sunday (7/31). Sorry for any inconveniences!

Hi everyone! Practice will be starting at 3pm today, it's taking us longer than expected to finish up the bale stands. Practice will be held on the rec class side at 18m. Sorry for any inconveniences!

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Day 1 Complete! Today, many of our club members got together during practice and helped build 20 new bale stands which we hope will last far into the club's future! A huge thank you to everyone who helped It wouldn't have been possible without you! Also a big thank you to Easton Foundations for supporting our club and these bale stands through USA Archery's Collegiate Program Grants! Tomorrow we will be sealing the stands and plan to have normal practice! If you're interested in helping out we'll be starting at 8am! Otherwise, practice will continue as usual, 12:00pm-6:00pm! See you on the range! Bale stand design courtesy of Johnathan Tran PC Johnathan Tran

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Keeping folks hungry for archery

Congrats Keaton! SGA works closely with the Easton Center, helping out at several different events during the year and we see how hard Keaton works to not only make these events happen, but also to make archery exciting and fun!

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SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: JOYCE KIM Molecular Biology Sixth College UCSD Archery Competitive Team Member 2015-2016 SGA Co-Team Captain 2016 State Indoor Collegiate Female Recurve Bronze 2016 Female Recurve All-West 2016 Western Regional Female Recurve Team Champion Joyce began archery when she transferred to UCSD at the beginning of Fall 2014. She had always wanted to try archery when she was younger due to how enticing manga made it appear, though she realized later how physically and mentally taxing it really is. After she graduates, Joyce plans on working in a biological research laboratory where she can immerse herself into modern biomedical research and gain the experience and skills necessary before she applies to grad school. After her gap year(s), she plans on applying to graduate school for Microbiology, or Genetics and Genomics and eventually contribute her efforts to research for people with medical disabilities. Out of the many competitions Joyce has attended, her favorite continues to be the 2015 U.S. National Outdoor Collegiate Championships in Harrisonburg, Virginia hosted by James Madison University. 2015 NOCC was the first time Joyce had been on a plane, the first time she had left the state, the first time she had competed in mixed team and team rounds, her first outdoor competition, and the first time she ever wore 6” heels. Leaving California was a little scary, but the competition was incredible, and traveling with the team and meeting everyone from different colleges across the country was the best. During team rounds, the UCSD Female Recurve team was going against the JMU Female Recurve team for the bronze medal and as JMU is Nick’s Alma Mater, Joyce enjoyed watching the banter between Nick and his old coach. For Joyce, the 2015 NOCC was one of the defining competitions for her as an archer as it an evaluation for her of the work she put into practice, how much she improved and how much she grew as an archer. Though the banquet at the end was long and arduous, Joyce found the cheer battles at the end cool, and though the 2015 NOCC wasn’t the best, it continues to be an unforgettable experience for her and the team. Joyce has contributed greatly to the development of SGA and the competitive team during this past year! We all hope to see her as a community member, continuing to shoot during her gap years! Congratulations to Joyce and all our seniors on making it through UCSD and SGA! PC: Courtney Carrasca #thuglyfe

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ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: Albert McGoo Lee UCSD Class of 2014, Bioengineering B.S. Revelle College Mechanical Engineering M.S. Student at University of Maryland, College Park 2013-2014 UCSD Archery Competitive Team Captain 2013-2014 SGA Vice-President Sun God Archery at UCSD, Founder As one of the SGA Founders, Albert only completed collegiately during his last year at UCSD. For the prior years, he was part of the Squidies in UCSD’s Ultimate Frisbee team where he earned his nickname “McGoo.” Albert started archery towards the end of high school at the Silicon Valley JOAD (now Hye Youn Park JOAD) and took lessons from Coach Park (who is part of the 2016 U.S. Olympic Women’s archery team) the summer before SGA was founded. He continued on to be one of SGA’s best male recurve archers, setting records and standards for the whole competitive team. We had a blast with Albert at the 2016 U.S. National Outdoor Collegiate Championships in Lansing, Michigan where we caught up with him and asked him what he’s up to! Albert is currently doing research on an estimation of cardiovascular risk parameters via multi-channel blind system identification where he develops mathematical models to estimate aortic blood pressure waveforms using only peripheral cuff measurements. He hopes to work in the medical devices industry spanning robotics and biosensors which allows him to work in a field he’s interested in while staying in California, aka the best place to live. When he graduates from his masters program, Albert looks forward to getting a dog, motorcycle, and a house. He hopes to practice archery more consistently and compete as a senior! When we asked him what he missed the most about SGA, he responded: “What I miss the most about SGA is the camaraderie. Shooting with a group of people who share my passion for competitive archery and can continuously challenge me to become a better shooter, coach, and person is something that I think about on a continuous basis. But it wasn't just the archery aspect. We routinely ended our practices with sushi, tacos, pork belly, whatever we were feeling in the moment, and it brought us closer together as a group.” Albert has been very missed and we hope to see him on the field again after his masters program! PC: Warren Au

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2015-2016 END OF THE YEAR BANQUET and Updates May 28th, 2016, La Jolla Shores This has been an exciting year for SGA! We started off with record smashing workshop sizes and continued through the year with a record number of members! Our competitive team traveled to many competitions and earned dozens of medals representing us and UCSD! (For a complete list, visit our website, We realized we forgot to announce the new Board of Officers for next year, so here is an extremely late update! President: Jason Tong Vice-President: Elizabeth Wu Treasurer: Courtney Carrasca Facilities Manager: Kelton Cheng Social Chair: Brian Kasman Team Captains: Johnathan Phathtasm Tran, and Yashwanth Nannapaneni JOAD Program Director: Kaitlyn Huang Webmaster: Dan Peng The new board looks forward to working with the club and helping SGA move forward into it's bright future! Our Seniors at the End of the Year Banquet received their senior titles: Ted Kim Most Optimistic Janette Lee Best Stylist Kyle Kole Most Kolefied David Lee Best New Senior Alvin Tseng Best Carnivore Joyce Kim Best Mom And our Apollonian Award, in honor of those who dedicate their time to serve SGA, embodying honesty, integrity, and never faltering in the face of adversity goes to Joyce Kim! Congratulations to all of our Seniors! We hope you all continue pursing the sport of target archery, and we will see you at future competitions! Thanks everyone for being a part of SGA this year, we hope that you continue to be a part of the club for years to come! Good luck on finals and have an amazing summer! We will continue to have our regular range hours throughout the summer, and we will be beginning our JOAD program! PC: Kelton Cheng

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SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: TED KIM General Biology with a minor in Science Education Thurgood Marshall College UCSD Competitive Team Member Ted began archery in high school, shooting at Orange County Archery as a birthday present from his dad. As he began to shoot more, Kevin from the archery club began to help him out more! He took a long hiatus from archery in high school, and through most of college, starting it back up again when he joined us in the Competitive Team Workout class during Fall Quarter. Ted began to learn about competitive archery with the team and competed with the team for State Indoor and National Indoor, and hopes to compete in more competitions in the future! When he graduates from UCSD, Ted will be going immediately into his master's and credential program at UCSD in education which also means he will be able to continue shooting with us! Ted’s favorite part of being in SGA is going to the field and being able to step away from the craziness of school and life. He appreciates how friendly and helpful the community is and loves how he is constantly getting help on technique and form during every practice! This year, the team competed in the U.S. National Indoors in Chula Vista, at the Olympic Training Center. National Indoors was Ted’s favorite competition as the facility at the Easton Center of Excellence is incredible and he hopes to shoot in that facility in the future. It has been amazing to have Ted apart of SGA and we hope to see him come out to the field more often to shoot! PC:Courtney Carrasca

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