Kodiak Island Alaska
This is the OFFICIAL site of Discover Kodiak! We welcome stories, comments and photos about your experience on the Emerald Isle...Alaska Untamed!
ONLINE STORE: https://squareup.com/store/discover-kodiak
Website and Booking Info: www.kodiak.org
ONLINE STORE: https://squareup.com/store/discover-kodiak
Check out our following pages for more information:
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facebook.comLast Hope: Coast Guard Alaska Search and Rescue #unitedstatescoastguard #uscg #kodiakisland
Check this TV episode produced by a Brazilian couple that came through Kodiak last winter on their surf adventure from AK to Patagonia. Jeremiah Gardener & Jennifer Newby at 58 degrees North show them some awesome Kodiak hospitality. It's in Portuguese but you get the gist. (They are working on getting some subtitles for us.) https://globosatplay.globo.com/canal-off/v/6226696/ #alaskauntamed #kodiakisland #surfing #snowboarding
2017 Kodiak Halloween
Longer nights and later sunrise. #alaskauntamed #kodiakisland