K9Crazy Dog Training
Dog & Kitten Training Classes
Pet Manners
Competition - Rally & Obedience
Puppy Socialization
Kitten Socialization
Scent Games
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facebook.comBeginner, fun, low impact Agility class starts July 31 at 10 am Only 2 spots left
Foundation Agility Class starting Friday July 22 For pups 6 months to 1 year Only 2 spots left!
Socializing Your Puppy: Why “Later” Is Too Late
The Dark Side of Socialization: Fear Periods and Single Event Learning
I am pursuing my VTS (Behavior). Due to two years lost time, because of a work related injury, I need to start over. I have published already, but will now be outside the dates to apply. I plan to use this camera for a behavior project, which will allow me to publish again. I could really use your help! Thank you!
Timeline Photos
New Stuff on the horizon - July 1st! Monday 6:15 pm Puppy up to 5 months 7:20 pm Conformation Handling Tuesday 6:15 pm Rally Obedience 7:20 pm Rally Obedience Wednesday 6:30 Intermediate/Advanced Agility Thursday 6:15 pm Puppy up to 5 months 7:20 pm Agility foundations Friday 12 noon Loose leash walking 2 pm Anything goes TBA Beginner Agility Saturday 10 am Puppy > 5 months 11:05 am Basic obedience/manners 12:15 pm Puppy < 5 months 1:30 pm Rally all levels Sunday 10 am Woodstock walking class 11:30 Basic Obedience/Manners > 9 months 12:45 pm Scent games/tricks 2:00 pm Agility foundations All classes include, fun games to teach come, stay, loose leash walking, & scent games - finding lost items Stay Play & Train Daycare M-F Sign up for classes early as all are kept to 4-6 students! Daycare will be 10 dogs max, an evaluation for daycare will be necessary! Email Bill Wilson ww0629@gmail.com Looking forward to helping you create the dog you want!
Coming back by popular demand! Stay, Play, & Train Daycare. Keep watch for dates - will open M-F - small groups with rest breaks - training reinforced - overseen by highly qualified trainers with continuing education in behavior - appropriate pairings of dog groups is foremost FMI: contact Bill @ ww0629@gmail.com
New Classes! Monday - Basic obedience > 9 months Tuesday - Rally obedience Wednesday - Basic obedience, advanced Agility Thursday - Agility foundations All classes include scent games!
Help a trainer out! Click on this coded link enter, and reply to the 'confirm your email' email. I earn points to win one and you are entered too! Other than referral confirmations, I have only received 2 emails from this promotional launch. It won't fill up your email like some things do. Thanks & Good Luck
Onyx - Tova's Jill Went Up the Hill
Fun! Please go LIKE Doggie Fun Zone FB Page so everyone who participated can get their action shots listed. Watch below to see Onyx, the Longhair Whippet Wonder Pup, in action! https://www.facebook.com/DoggieFunZone/
Pema Chodron