Kingsland First Baptist Church
Kingsland First Baptist is a group of believers whose primary purpose is to become a group of worshipers, disciples, and servants. Sunday Worship Schedule:
8:30 a.m. Worship & Bible Study
8:30 a.m. Children's Church & Preschool Worship
9:45 a.m. Worship & Bible Study
11:00 a.m. Worship & Bible Study
11:00 a.m. Children’s Church & Preschool Worship
5:00 p.m. KFBC A.W.A.N.A. (follows the school year)
5:15 p.m. Student Dinner (Grades 6-12)
6:00 p.m. Student Activities (Grades 6-12)
6:00 p.m. Adult Worship (Childcare & Nursery Provided)
Wednesday Night Schedule:
6:00 p.m. Youth Dinner (Grade 6-12)
6:00 p.m. Children’s Choir (Age 3-grade 5)
6:15 p.m. Adult Choir
6:15 p.m. Women's Bible Study
6:30 p.m. Men's Bible Study Class
6:45 p.m. Mission Friends (Age 3-5)
6:30 p.m. Youth Bible Study (Grade 6-12)
6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study
7:30 p.m. Handbell Practice
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facebook.com2017 Vacation Bible School "Galactic Starveyors"
VBS signs ups are going on now, share and invite your friends to this great free event for kids age 4- 5th grade. Sign up at
2017 Vacation Bible School "Galactic Starveyors"
KNOCK THREE TIME ON THE CLUBHOUSE DOOR FOR ENTRY! As Kids focus their telescopes on the marvels painted in the sky by the Creator, they will discover the wonder among all wonders - that the God who created everything there is - the knowable and the unknowable, the visible and the invisible - wants a personal relationship with them! Kingsland First Baptist Church invites your kids into the clubhouse to meet the God who is over the moon in love with them. VBS Motto: Searching the Visible, Discovering the Invisible VBS Scripture: "The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him." Colossians 1: 15-16
Kingsland First Baptist Church's cover photo
Wednesday nights adult bible study at 6:30pm has been moved to room A-102 until further notice. #followthesigns #technicaldifficulties #pleasespreadtheword
Faith in 9D: Peace and Patience
Faith in 9D: Peace and Patience Matthew 14 The key to finding peace in your life is living in an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ.
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#teamkid starts this Sunday from 6-7pm for kids k-5th grade. TeamKID teaches kids to soar in God's strength. For more info go to
KFBC Student Ministry
Check out the Students Youth video and share away.
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Free family night at the Saint Mary Aquatic Center hosted by Kingsland First Baptist Church, May 28th 6:30-8:30pm. Invite your friends and neighbors for free family fun and fellowship!
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Kingsland First Baptist will be donating to the firefighters battling the West Mims Fire in Charlton County. You can bring these items this Sunday!
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Did you hear? We have a prospective coming with #meetandgreets #icecream #donuts
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WONDERful Wednesdays starts tonight for kids k-5 at 6:30pm. #kingslandkids
Kingsland FBC May 7, 2017
Graduation Sunday