BeastMode Fitness Kilgore
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facebook.comOkay friends...for those of you that have been wanting to come try out a class....Tomorrow morning at 9 at 5.56 Fitness. Start your weekend off right with a good morning sweat session. Hope to see some new faces there!!!!
Happy Friday friends. It's been a great week with some really tough workouts. I'm so proud of each of you for stepping out of your comfort zone, trying new things, and pushing yourselves so hard. Remember we have Saturday session tomorrow morning at 9am. Bring and's gonna be a good one!
We are going to be changing the evening class back to the 5:30 start time. This will be effective starting today Wed 4/5/17. Thanks!
5.56 Fitness
After 3 years of operating as Beast Mode Fitness - Kilgore, we will be moving in a new direction. I would like to extend a thank you and best of luck wishes to Beast Mode Fitness as they continue on with their endeavors of helping change lives for the better. It has been a great experience and many memories were made. We will continue to offer our community an alternate means of health and wellness by operating under a new name. I am excited to say that we will be returning to our original foundation and regimen that helped build what we have become. Thank you to all of you who supported Beast Mode Fitness-Kilgore since 2014. I hope that you will continue that same support as we move forward with 5.56 Fitness. ~ B. Nix
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Great work today ladies and Scottie 😝you all did such a good job. Days like today it definitely takes some perseverance and you all pushed above and beyond! #legday #jellolegs #fitfamily #girlswholift
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We still have class at 6pm tonight come check it out! Also tomorrow 5am 8:30am and 6pm. First class is always Free. #legday #aboutthatlife #work #fitfam
ATTENTION SPORTS PERFORMANCE PARENTS classes will resume Monday at 7pm we will no longer have a Friday class but Monday Tuesday and Thursday!! Thank you all
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Let's start our week off with a few things you would like to accomplish!! #babysteps #goals #fitness #healthylifestyle #pray #givepraise
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Great Saturday class!